Spring Break


Jan 13, 2006
What all your plans for Spring Break?

I am flying out to San Francisco,Ca for a week! I cant wait to go to AQ Records!

Post your plans here.
We went to Siesta key with three twelves of Yuengling. We were about ten deep before the cops came and took them away. I hope they enjoyed them.
Starts with work tomorrow then my birthday (money, basically) Sunday. Then I am visiting my girlfriend for the week.
I'm going on a road trip to California with my slightly nerdier than me buddies, we'll have wacky adventures that may or may not include:

Gatecrashing a jock's party
Seeing chicks randomly taking their clothes off
Getting in trouble with the law
Not getting laid
Throwing up in a jock's convertible
Getting in a fight with said jock
Somehow ending up with said jock's girl
I work monday-thursday all next week...but I get the 21-30th off. It was called a "mandatory" vacation week for all staff. Basically I have two jobs, my fulltime is at a catholic school and the Bishop like actually made everyone take a week off from work. My other is on-call but I'm not gonna answer the phone if they call me, even though they pay me 20$/hr to do practically nothing :lol:
My 2-week Spring Break ends this weekend. I spent it working for my father (pipe organ tuning/repair), going to Buffalo to see my relatives and going to Toronto to visit Cookiecutter. Classes resume on St. Patty's Day.
My spring break is wrapping up. Mostly I went to rehearsals. I also drank a bit, and tonight I'll by heading down to Philly to do some partying. Drunk improvising = awesome.