Spruced up my Ibanez (and...EMG 85 RULZ!!!)


Feb 20, 2005
Traded a guy my EMG60 for his EMG85 today, cuz I realized that a lot of the muddiness I thought had been coming from the last one I had was really more from the Stiletto cab (and the harshness of the 81 is starting to get to me, I want more chunk). Also, however, I finally managed to get the pickups at a decent height, and WOW does it make a difference - before, I had them kinda crammed into the cavities with no screws holding them in (I couldn't find ANY pointy screws that fit the tiny EMG threading, and believe me I looked :Smug: ); this worked because they had to be routed to fit in there, so it was a snug fit, but still, they were much lower than I would've liked. However, I remedied that by busting out my Dremel (fucking AWESOME tool, and routing away the plastic to take out the threading:


Yes that's an 81, it went in the neck in place of the 60 ;) So now, I just got some single coil screws that were too thick for the threading in the EMG's, but with the EMG threading gone the heads of the screws still hold the pickups down (and I put foam underneath to push the pickups up). Destroyed the resale value, but whatever, I love EMG! :D And now...


And believe me, the foam is TIGHTLY packed in there, it's not like you can push 'em down too easily! But yeah, having the bridge pickup higher just makes everything so much clearer, I find there's way more crispness and high-end detail (but still so fucking chunky from the 85 :headbang: ). Can't crank up the Recto tonight, but I made this clip using SoloC and one of my impulses (and ZERO post-eq :)), check it!

Glad to hear those 85s are working out for you. Still a bit of a circular search to find the tone you're truly after eh?

I can't say I've ever had the 707s quite that high on the Hellraiser, but I'll definitely try it. My fear is that the tone will be too compressed due to the string vibrations eating up all the headroom in the pickup. It sounds quite good on a moderate height, for what that's worth!
Yeah, I won't deny it's been a bit of a hunt, but having the pickup higher makes SUCH a difference in clarity/crispness IMO, so the muddiness isn't as prominent and is a more bonerriffic chunk (and I only have the 85 in the bridge, I still hate it in the neck :)) Gonna be trying the 18-volt mod soon to see how it compares!
dude.. where is the link to the clip? I clicked the link to the other page, then a link to another page and then I lost interest... I really wanted to hear this...

edit: nevermind... I found it... I'm dumb.

edit2: dude... that is the first recto clip of yours that I really dig... good job!

have a screenshot of your settings on the SoloC?
Sweet. I actually ordered an 81 and 85 along with those Tannoys.

Couldn't stand stock any longer, but am I copying you now?

Nevermind, I'll never go Ibanez :p
Umm, thanks guys, but that's SoloC ;) (through one of my impulses though!) And yeah, here's a shot of the settings! (I have the GUI disabled so I can tweak easier, notice the little "UI" button in the upper-right corner, thanks Reaper :D)

I like the tone a lot better than some of the other ones I've heard.

Other ones you've heard from me, or from the plugin? If it's the latter, thanks! And if it's the former, well, I'm still working on dialing in the Rectifier ;) It's a deceptively tempermental beast! (and I'm gonna re-amp these files through it today, I really think the EMG85 will kick the quality up a few notches!)
Thanks. I'll have to do some playing around with these new impulses soon. And you just reminded me I really need to raise my EMGs as well. :)
My fear is that the tone will be too compressed due to the string vibrations eating up all the headroom in the pickup.

For the record, EMG recommends that their pickups are adjusted as high as possible without interfering with your playing for optimum performance.
Yeah, awhile ago I had the guy at my local shop put a thin shim of wood in the neck joint, which raised it and allowed me to raise the bridge (it was too close to the body and getting on my nerves, cuz I anchor my pinky when I play). Beyond that, pretty much stock! (except for removing the volume knob, which also gets in the way of my pinky :D)
I'm thinking of swaping the 81/85 combination in my ec-1000 to have the 85 in the bridge position ?

Is it worth it ? I remember trying it with my viper, but disliked it becouse it made the guitar muddy, maybe I'll have more luck with the ec-1000... :erk: