Excuse me for my multiple posts.
As soon as I feel I have a better grasp on this, another problem arises.
I may be doing this wrong. Let me try to get this straight:
-Insert Virtual Instrument on New Track
-Click YES to route SSD to REAPER
-Go into SSD and route each track to different tracks in REAPER. (Kick - 1st, all snare tracks -2st, all toms -3st, etc.)
Everything routes ok, but if I raise or lower the fader on the bus that contains SSD, it controls only the kick drum, and not the whole drum mix.
It seems that if/when I change drumkits, certain parts of the kit get routed to different MIDI numbers/notes...?!?! All I did was go through the supplied samples and now my crashes aren't on the normal crash note/key.
Grrrr....head ready to pop!
Off to practice and probably mess with it later after a few beers....
LeSedna - correct, I discovered double click to write, double click to delete.