SSD Essential no brainer $20

I've only slightly grazed over the GUI and a few random pre-recorded beats.

Going to dive in today. I get a bit confused with Bleed Level and Bleed Route but I think once I spend a little time with it, it'll be well worth the $20.
One thing that is irritating me is that I can't seem to move mixer tracks around. I like having an organized mixer.....this one seems a bit scattered.

One thing that is irritating me is that I can't seem to move mixer tracks around. I like having an organized mixer.....this one seems a bit scattered.


Ditto for me. I was setting up the multi-outs in Reaper and realized I couldn't move them around in the mixer, only in my mixer in Reaper. Not sure if they are fixed and cannot be moved.

Steven? Maybe have to ask in the SSD forum.
Also, what has me scratching my head is the routing.

You have close mics on everything EXCEPT the Crash cymbals. And when you click the route button on the bottom of each track, you have 8 "st" and 8 "mn", which I'm assuming is stereo and mono.

But - when I set any of the tracks to "mn", they are muted and nothing transfers into REAPER......

Also, cannot delete any Aux tracks that are created (in SSD Player) or put all tracks into the "SSD Folder" like I'd normally have a drum group (in REAPER). Drum Mix Test 1.mp3

Just a rough text drum mix. Any of the better midi drum dudes in here want to let me know if I'm in any way, shape, or form on the right track?

It's a bit different for me in the MIDI editor as when I'm zoomed in close for faster beats, there aren't any ruler/markers close enough together to be able to fly through it...sort of have to count the bars... I'm sure I'll catch on to it though.

Oh, any way to set maybe a right-click as a delete button? Having to click the note and hit the delete key gets frustrating. Drum Mix Test 1.mp3

Just a rough text drum mix. Any of the better midi drum dudes in here want to let me know if I'm in any way, shape, or form on the right track?

It's a bit different for me in the MIDI editor as when I'm zoomed in close for faster beats, there aren't any ruler/markers close enough together to be able to fly through it...sort of have to count the bars... I'm sure I'll catch on to it though.

Oh, any way to set maybe a right-click as a delete button? Having to click the note and hit the delete key gets frustrating.

In diamond mode I think you can click a note to write it, and click again to remove it. I'm not on my computer so I can't be too sure though.

Otherwise the mouse modifiers could be of help. You could set up a part of the note as "delete". I have set up the bottom half of every note as "left click = slice" for editing. A bit extreme to set it as "delete item" since it would be confusing at times to delete files without knowing it but you could set up a specific set of mouse modifiers for drum parts writing ?
Excuse me for my multiple posts.

As soon as I feel I have a better grasp on this, another problem arises.

I may be doing this wrong. Let me try to get this straight:

-Insert Virtual Instrument on New Track
-Click YES to route SSD to REAPER
-Go into SSD and route each track to different tracks in REAPER. (Kick - 1st, all snare tracks -2st, all toms -3st, etc.)

Everything routes ok, but if I raise or lower the fader on the bus that contains SSD, it controls only the kick drum, and not the whole drum mix.


It seems that if/when I change drumkits, certain parts of the kit get routed to different MIDI numbers/notes...?!?! All I did was go through the supplied samples and now my crashes aren't on the normal crash note/key.

Grrrr....head ready to pop!

Off to practice and probably mess with it later after a few beers....

LeSedna - correct, I discovered double click to write, double click to delete. :)
Slate, I bought in summer 2010 EX and all (i think) expansions packs on audiomidi deal, so i have SSD3.5 Platinum or not? Possible to upgrade to 4.0 platinum in deal that you stated ("There will be another SSD3.5 to 4.0 promotion coming very soon.")?
Yes you'll be able to get credit for your EX packs and upgrade to 4.0 this week.
