SSD multi out and FOP trigg


New Metal Member
Apr 22, 2012
Hi guys, I need advice. I searched on the forum and no answers so, I decided to post my problem.
My first one is about routing SSD 3.5 on Cubase 5 I know how to do (thanks for the existing posts and manuals) but.. when I assigned channel for example on my kick, I need 2 channels. That's why there is 2 wav files for each FOP of the chango kit ?

So here is what I Do, can you tell me if I'm doing right/wrong :

well, if I'm right (correct me if i'm not), when you're routing SSD you can see 2 channels for each element (2 for kick, 2 for snare,..). So you want to rout the kick for example on 2 different channels tracks (not assigned yet), then you pan each one hard left and hard right. Next you can trigg each one (the L panned with the SNARE04_L and the R panned with the SNARE04_R if you want the snare4). The last step is to creat a new mono group track and rout the two (L and R) into this track. Finally you could apply EQ, processing, etc.. on this last track.

Thanks, hope it will help
I don't use Cubase but that just seems weird to have to do that.

You're trying to use 2 different samples to blend or to have multi-samples fora more human feel?
Because when I assign channels to each element, each one has 2 channels that's why i though the need to put on 2 channel.
So, why there is L and R sample in the FOP kit ?