Stand-Up Guy

loads of people write for metalworks
I'm starting the design / layout for issue 4 next week
128 fucking pages of tiny crammed text
should be good value

and yes you americans are spoiled rotten
we're totaly ripped off on cds over here
scald are selling headworm at £8 and even if we sell all we have we won't break even
thats why I recomend to americans to buy it from relapse because they can sell it cheaper.... its also the only way we can afford to get relapse material right now (trading)
Heh, funny you're listening to that new Machine Head, since it was the only CD I bought from the UK, freakin' twice the normal price I'm used to! Why is music so damn expensive that side of the world?
That Kiss It Goodbye album rules. "Sick Day" is so pure in its rage, and it doesn't hurt that the song has a friggin' killerific main riff.

With the weak dollar (is it still really weak?) it might be better for you overseas fellows to order from US distros.

It might indeed be better to order from US distros. We're in the process of sorting that out. Once we're sorted, I'll be posted what distros are where and how much they're selling it for.
Does anyone have the latest Terrorizer? My usual sources don't seem to carry it anymore, probably because it's too damn expensive.

It's got a interview with Stand-Up Guy in the Breaking Faces feature. I'm curious to know what Terrorizer thought of their radio-friendly music. ;)

Anyone got it yet?
That's kinda surprising since they sometimes like the "odd" band. If you were from England, you'd get Album of the Month and be the best thing ever from that country. haha