Star Wars Episode 1

TRrEiTxIxRiE DTrash

New Metal Member
Apr 14, 2001
:lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:

This has to be one of the worst movies I've ever seen from the 15 minutes I just watched of it.

I also don't understand how people raved about the great effects... ok the animation is good but there is a difference between good animation and good effects. Good "effects" is to do with looking real. This movie looks like a computer game, not a film!

I'm not saying I care about effects coz I really don't. They have nothing to do with whether or not a movie is good. But why did people rave about the effects in this movie when they suck?

Anyway, I can't even find one redeeming factor in the movie from what I've watched. I much prefer the 70s and 80s Star Wars movies that I haven't seen since I was a kid... and I even hated them!!! I fell asleep during one of them and never actually sat through a whole one.

I saw Episode 1 at the cinema, but was absolutely knackered, so could hardly stay awake. Therefore I have no idea if it was good or not!
Yeah it was pretty awefull. Boring, to much cartoons, overall just sucked and to sit thro that Alien dude (forgot is name) speak was painfully, he wasn't funny he was a retard. Episode II wasn't much better either. They kept the aluen dude outta it, but the new actor that play Anikan (sp?) is the worst actor I've ever seen. What the hell are these guys thinking when the cast, and created in the last 2 episodes. :puke:
Originally posted by The Trooper
ok the animation is good but there is a difference between good animation and good effects. Good "effects" is to do with looking real.

I have a major problem with this statement. "Good" anything (and that includes effects and what they are about) is entirely subjective. Troops - you think glam is good (ok, ok - you think it is great) .... but I guarantee you that I could walk outside into the street and find a ton of people who think the same of glam that you do of Episode I.

Who is to say who is right when it comes to saying something is good?

I would say "just because the majority like something doesn't mean it is good - look at Korn for example" .... but then that would be somewhat hypocritical :)

Ok - I'll crawl back into my hole now :)

Dislaimer: obviously this statement is my personal belief and is in now way intended to cause offence. If it does I entirely blame the coke machine for not being closer to my office at this hour of the day.
I think Troops meant that while the visual effects were amazing, you knew you were watching visual effects, as they did all look computer generated (though at a level we hadnt seen before of course!) whereas watching the models flying around in the first trilogy looks more real, which is why I think the battle at the end of ROTJ is way better than anything they have come up with using computers (IMHO :) )
Yeah Spawny is right. I did say in that first post that the computer animation was good. I said though that there is a difference between good animation and good effects. If a movie ends up looking more like a computer game than a film because of the effects, then they aren't good imo.

As I said though it's not so much the effects that I even cared about. I just thought it sucked :) I'm not saying it is a "bad movie" just that I think it sucks to me hehe. I'd never even been interested in seeing any of it, and last night for the first time I saw some and was glad I hadn't seen it lol. I am kinda confused though at how it was so hugely popular. I'd say that would had to have been based on the earlier films, not on people thinking that one was good.
But not everybody thinks that good effects are to do with looking real - which goes against the original quote :)

Having said that - the movie started on tv .... so I put on the DVD to watch better quality.

Star Wars is an institution. Hands up those who remember at least one of the original 3 movies in the theaters?

Well I only watched 15 minutes of it so its probably unfair to make a claim like that, but I certainly have no problem taking your word for it :D :)
It's not just looking "real", but the movie shouldn't look like a computer game.

It's just an example to me of what is so wrong with lots of Hollywood films these days, particularly alot of the action ones and the fantasy ones. And that is that the technology is taking over from the IMPORTANT things in what makes a good film. Most of the action, adventure and fantasy films now have no real character or atmosphere at all. They just aren't good genuine, honest films anymore to me. It's all flash and razzle dazzle and oooh look at these new effects, and ooh this explosion will be so good in Dolby Surround sound in the movie theatres, etc. It is possible to engage an audience effectively in other ways.
I love Star Wars, and I mean LOVE. But I hate the new movies, and I've tried to like them, oh God I've tried, but I can't. I'm praying against all the odds that he doesn't fuck it up with the next one - it has the potential (as far as story goes) to be the greatest star Wars movie, but I just know he's going to shit on it from a great height. :cry: