Star Wars: The Old Republic


God can gtfo
Aug 15, 2009
Sooooo..... it launches tomorrow for people who pre-ordered.

I think my December is sorted.
Anyone else going to be ruining their life?
It's a fantastic WOW clone, no more boring grinding..... the story elements are great.
I'll be interested to see what sort of endgame content there is for guys like me who aren't really into the whole social guild/raid thing where you need to have some sort reputation to join in...
aw man i thought this thread was about KOTOR for a second. now THAT'S a great game.

i remember checking this new game out, but the online factor put me off immediately.
i played the beta and it is nothing like WoW.Think of it like Kotor.(you have a different main story for each class and you can do the main story by yourself,and you also get companions like in kotor)I got up to lvl 18 in the beta and not once did i have to grind.all the quest have good stories that make you feel like you are actually doing something but they will also give you bonus xp you kill x amount of the enemy,but you dont have to.I hear alot of people saying this is like a WoW clone and it is far from it.I mean sure there are some similarities but that is kind of to be expected
Yeah, I've played the beta too, and it's fairly similar to WOW.
I wouldn't call it a clone, but there is definite overlap.
The characters looked kind of cartoony imo, and when's the Jedi Knight series gonna get a new game? It's been 8 years now?
I have a feeling the server will be picked based on which has the shortest queue :)

Also, I just realised that only the first letter of the word "queue" is actually sounded.
So I bought it yesterday thinking I would get early access.. seems like EA screwed me over by letting people in at "small" waves one at a time.. so most likely I get access the 19th or something :p. yay

Damn you EA.
You get early access based on when you activate your preorder code, so guys that preordered it in june/july are already playing.
It's basically so that the more knowledgeable mmo guys (ie the guys who ordered it on the first day) can get in and get the servers running..... things like Auctions houses etc...
Beta tested for 2 months. It's a lot like WoW no one I know actually was able to continue playing. Expect this game to go offline soon like SWG did today.
Makes sense.. and then kinda not.
I would think you could not really judge the skills of the players by when they pre ordered (actually I would imagine a mmo vet is more likely to "exploit" the AH at launch).

Oh well dont mind waiting a few days longer.
I have played almost every mmo since vanilla wow, so im looking forward to seeing what this one could bring to the table.

Judging by the feedback from beta and the early access I would not take up your bet on this going offline anytime soon.. but lets see :).
Man, I'd love to play SWTOR, but I am not willing to pay a shitload of money for it.. Plus I really don't have enough time to play anyway (or at least I shouldn't do it) and I tend to get sucked into games, so it is probably for the best. Guild Wars 2 will eat up enough of my time already :lol:
Nothing against SWG as I currently play on the SWGEmu (Awesome game with awesome people and FREE) but I just don't see TOR holding up for long as it gets old pretty quick.

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