Started building my (small) studio

I have a couple questions as well.

Any reason why the control room doesn't face the live room and/or have a window to the live room?

Also, Is the control room open to the live room?

Either way, the 3-D renderings look great.
Let me first say thanks to all you guys for the interest and good wishes :kickass:

great stuff. Whats the budget/estimated cost for the project?

See above

great man thanks for the pics - keep them coming

flooring question...are you using any rubber under the woods ?

Yes I am using neoprene pads, you can see it on this pic


I have a couple questions as well.

Any reason why the control room doesn't face the live room and/or have a window to the live room?

Also, Is the control room open to the live room?

The reason for the control room not facing the live room has to do with one request that I did:
I wanted some natural light inside the studio from the big window so if the control room would face the live room the outside window would be on my back, not a good thing acoustically.

The control room is not open to the live room, what you see there in the 3d rendering as open is actually a big window that starts from the floor. That´s another thing that I've requested for in the project. And the size of it is to make the control room more symmetrical because of the outside window.
Hey man great studio and great thread!
Where are you building you studio? In your home or in a place you have found?

I'll try to keep it up to date and take pics off all stages.

The studio is being built in a room in my house, it was originally a garage that the builder transformed in a big room before he sold the house.
This room was what I liked better in the house :)
It's the better solution: studio near or inside the house.
I say this because if I have my studio far away from my home, probably I should dead everytime I go home .. fear that someone steal me all the equipment during the night or something similar :\ dirty musician into the house is everytime a good thing! :D
But it's also the best choice if you want a little tranquillity when you are away from the studio. If it is in your house or in you garage or in a dedicated room, for me it's better than another place far away from your home (it should be funny a lot if you go at your studio a morning and you find nothing inside :\ )

your project is looking awesome. All your arguments and thoughts you posted are making much sence. I wish you all the best for getting that mammoth-project done. I know that it is hard... I did my second studio two years ago, similar size as yours. I had not much time because of projects and monay (downtime) - about 3 months for all. It was hard. I had to do a lot of compromises because of time and monay. I hate compromises. Avoid them!!


your project is looking awesome. All your arguments and thoughts you posted are making much sence. I wish you all the best for getting that mammoth-project done. I know that it is hard... I did my second studio two years ago, similar size as yours. I had not much time because of projects and monay (downtime) - about 3 months for all. It was hard. I had to do a lot of compromises because of time and monay. I hate compromises. Avoid them!!


Thanks :)

The drywall is done

It's funny how 3 people working 7 hours can do more than me alone in 1-2 hours a day :lol:
Next will be the plywood (maybe I'll have do do it myself) :erk:

Here are some pics of the drywall:



Side photo to show the various layers


Inspiration :headbang:
LOL - it seems to be the same all over the world, i saw the ipod+monitor-system on your myspace blog, hehe - i have an iriver with similar speakers, that was running day+night during the construction process. When you come to the gypsum walls and stuff, do yourself a favor and put the ipod in a plastic bag, you will hate it when everything is powdered with that ugly white dust.


Great looking studio :headbang:
I ask you the same question :) , did you built it yourself or did you got a contractor?

Looking good man! As far as my studio goes, I built it first in 3D then Jason (guitarist in my band) and I built it out. He has been in the home building buisiness for years, so I came up with the ideas and figured out the math and he figured out how to make it happen.. It took about 3 months to complete..
I finished installing the last layer (plywood). :)
It's still missing some screws and I have to caulk this last layer but it can be done meanwhile.

Speaking about caulk, it has been a nightmare.
First, I couldn't find any acoustical caulk here in Portugal. :err:
Even all the companies that do some acoustic work that I contacted didn't know what acoustical caulk is!! :yow:
I had to buy it from Spain, from the distributor of Auralex:

For now 11 of these:


Almost 20 € each!!!

Then the problem has been getting the caulking gun for these tubes that have 857ml (29 oz). After searching all stores nearby and the internet for Portugal I could only get guns for 300ml. I found it only in the US but they wouldn't sell it to Portugal
I then contacted the spanish Auralex distributor that told me that they have the same problem in Spain and in the UK, so he arranged a gun for me through Auralex US. Should come in a few days.

Here are the photos of the finished floating floor



Side photo to show all floor layers.


Next step: Wall framing!!