Started off with Damnation...

Mirrored Ghost

midst a dreaming affinity
Aug 7, 2004
and now I'm totally hooked. :D

Hey, first post here. I've been looking for new music for the longest time now because I'm pretty much picky with what I listen to. I was suggested to check out Opeth's Damnation from one of the boards that I frequent so I went out to buy the cd about a month ago. I had to have more.

Few days later I picked up Still Life and I was thrown off at first because I was never a death metal fan (I listen to bands like Tool, APC, AIC etc. etc.) However, this band is totally different from any other death metal band I have ever heard. The musicianship is unbelievable, the complexity and structure of their songs and how the mood shifts from one direction to another. Very haunting and melodic and that is exactly what I am looking for in a band. And I actually love the growls. Didn't take me long to get used to it. :heh:

After I checked out the Lamentations DVD, that was when I went out and bought all their other albums... in the same day. So yeah, needless to say, I'm hooked.

Wondering if anyone else here got into them the same way I have.
wow I'm surprised you got into them by way of Damnation. Heh. most people who listen to Damnation first and then move on to the regular stuff are like, "What the hell is this?"

glad you enjoy it though. welcome.
unknown said:
wow I'm surprised you got into them by way of Damnation. Heh. most people who listen to Damnation first and then move on to the regular stuff are like, "What the hell is this?"

glad you enjoy it though. welcome.

Thanks for the welcome. :)

Yeah, actually I am surprised myself because from what I have seen, people can't get into the death metal growls if they were not into it in the first place.

I might be picky, but I have an open mind so I guess that is why I was able to grasp it. Not one day goes by since then that I haven't listened to them.

The only thing that pisses me off is that I had to get into them AFTER they stopped touring. My timing sucks. :(
Themoor666 said:
actually the first album I heard was Orchid and I fucking loved it right away, even though the hardest thing I had been into before that was Maiden and Led Zeppelin. I guess it just struck me as fucking awesome regardless of growls or not.

Exactly. :cool:
hehe i got into opeth from listening to a tape from a friend, who got it from a friend, and it had blackwater park on it, at first the death growls i was like oh man this is not cool at all, but then the more i listened, the more i loved it...though the fucking tape ran outta time and blackwater park was cut off mid-song, nooooo!, now i own all 7 albums, the dvd, tshirts etc etc...
Mirrored Ghost said:
However, this band is totally different from any other death metal band I have ever heard. The musicianship is unbelievable, the complexity and structure of their songs and how the mood shifts from one direction to another.

You've heard the wrong Death Metal.
Mirrored Ghost said:
However, this band is totally different from any other death metal band I have ever heard. The musicianship is unbelievable, the complexity and structure of their songs and how the mood shifts from one direction to another.
mot- said:
You've heard the wrong Death Metal.
Exactly. If all you've heard is Cannibal Corpse and Deicide, try again.
The very first Opeth song I heard was Under The Weeping Moon. Interesting enough though, I baught the Damnation album first. My first heavy album was BWP. Under The Weeping Moon was strange at first, never had I heard something like it, the guitar work (especially at the start) is what drawed my attention, I found it brilliant and while at the time I wasn't very much into death metal, the growls where very unappealing, but I kept listening to the track and I eventually became succumb to the sound in it's entirety and began my Opeth pilgramige. :Spin:
It's basically the same way with me, only first song/album I heard was The Moor/Still Life. It basically got me into the "death growls", and the music was just all round awesome :headbang:. I bought BWP next, and still have yet to buy Damnation (which will finish my Opeth CD collection :cool: ).

Plus I love playing their songs on guitar :Spin:.
hello and welcome...
a friend at church of all places recommended opeth, so one day i did an impulse-buy of lamentations--on sale--and skipped all the damnation tracks and then was totally fucking blown away by the heavier stuff, tho' it took a while to get into the growlies--now i love them... and i keep wanting other bands to use them--say, opeth cover of "am i evil?"--
then BWP, Deliverance, and now all of them are on daily rotation...
i was never really a super metal-head, other than the lighter, mainstream stuff, but now am learning the genre--right now, going back to the classics... my own metal-education...
even getting tempted to learn the bass...
it's never too late, as they say...
Neo Autumn said:
The very first Opeth song I heard was Under The Weeping Moon. Interesting enough though, I baught the Damnation album first. My first heavy album was BWP. Under The Weeping Moon was strange at first, never had I heard something like it, the guitar work (especially at the start) is what drawed my attention, I found it brilliant and while at the time I wasn't very much into death metal, the growls where very unappealing, but I kept listening to the track and I eventually became succumb to the sound in it's entirety and began my Opeth pilgramige. :Spin:

Excellent track. I made one of my friends buy Orchid first a long time ago and he couldn't stop listening to Under the Weeping Moon. That part at 7:30..:O
i got into them via a friend who bought BWP on impulse, and we both liked them. Then he got into My Arms, Your Hearse and i was a bit slower at getting round to listen to them properly, but i knew i like 'Bleak' straight away, and i knew i was gonna like the rest of the album in time.

Ive got all the cds now, and the dvd (which im on), tshirts, posters, seen them live 4 times, got peter's pick, met Mikael and Peter. So there you go.
Thanks for the reply guys, especially OfFender :D hehe.

mot- said:
You've heard the wrong Death Metal.

I probably did. But then again, I never went out of my way to search for something good because the growling always turned me off at the time. That's why I think it's great that Opeth made Damnation. It seems that they brought in more fans with this album (those that were never into death metal in the first place) and it's like a way of making people want more and easing them into their music. Obviously not all their songs are heavy all the way through so it makes it that much more easier for a new fan to get into it. If one is not used to the growling, it's kinda hard (for some people) to jump right into it.
My internet went slow and I'm impatient so I clicked Reply thousands of times << thanks to god that you didnt hit it 'thousands of times'... imagine like 50 pages full of
'Glad you're hooked to Opeth. I got hooked after hearing Black Rose Immortal.. And I loved the growls automatically. \m/' :lol: :lol:
I have also came to know Opeth threw Damnation. Before Opeth (and still now) I was into Black Sabbath, Tool, Marilyn Manson, King Diamond/Mercyful fate, Judas Priest, Iron Maiden,Iced Earth, Morgion, My Dying Bride, pentagram,slayer,queensryche.. amongst many more. Mostly Power/Doom metal. But I never cared for Screamy vocals very much (even in MDB)...

Threw my years as liking heavy metal Opeths name allways popped up but I never cared to listen. So, I was roaming around, I somehow made my way to The Opeth section. I read that Damnation was amazing, and a all singing progressive effort. I downloaded, I was like "this is what I have been looking for " So I read some more reviews, and downloaded blackwater park. I wasnt quite sure what to make of it, I was kinda taken back by the "Making birds explode" growl of Mike. But when he sung, It healed the wounds the growl created.

I still continued to listen. I kept coming back to listen because of "The Drapery Falls".

In March, I went on a trip to **loose money** in canada, I brought along My BlackWater Park CDR, And listened to it over and over during the trip. It was great.

So when I came home from my trip, I downloaded nearly all the cds, and I was just amazed by how, and why Im liking this sorta music.. But it was Brillant.

I felt kinda bad for listening to some of the most amazing music ever composed, with out buying a damn thing. So I bought the DVD. It was one of the most magical feelings ever watching a film. It was so clear, and sounded so good. After that day, just like the thread started, I HAD to buy all of the Opeth cds.

In this day, I own them all,besides BlackWater Park. Only because I wanna find the Special Version that has the extra disk. (PSSSS.. Anyone know were I can buy one for a decent price)

Ya, thats my Opeth Life story,and some of the effect it had on me.. I also like long walks along the beach for anyone that cares :wave: heh.

(Note) For the past few months I have been reading threads around here, finally found a subject I care to post on.. Yay for me.