What Mike Portnoy said about Opeth & Damnation...

Funny how a comment made by a fellow musician praising Opeth has turned into a bash-fest for Dream Theater. Come on, people, he had positive things to say about Opeth, and that is what's important. He didn't come on here and say "my band rules". I'm certain he doesn't even know his comments have been posted on here, so quit flaming him just because you don't like him. A lot of people on this board do like his band, and respect the comments he made.
Originally posted by frayededges
I don't think anyone on this board would deny that Dream Theater is a great band. Personally, the only thing about them that turns me off are the vocals... just a bit too over the top for me. But every member of that band is incredibly skilled. No denying it.

It's a great compliment from one great band to another. I think it's great that he likes it so much. Lopez must be flattered.

I guess from a drummer's point of view, it's a good album. The drumming is phenomenal. Deliverance as a whole? Not bad. Not great either. I liked the last 3 records the best. Deliverance let me down.

Pornoy's a great drummer, and a total dork. Ever seen the DT videos? Jeez what a dork. But he does know his way around a drumset, that's for sure.
Pretty nice of Mr. Portnoy... especially considering when Mr. Akerfeldt was asked about Dream Theater a few years back, he was a bit less complimentary. From what I can remember, he didn't say anything bad, just that it was not something he liked.
Originally posted by Monsterxman
Pretty nice of Mr. Portnoy... especially considering when Mr. Akerfeldt was asked about Dream Theater a few years back, he was a bit less complimentary. From what I can remember, he didn't say anything bad, just that it was not something he liked.

I remember Mikael posting on this forum that he did like some Dream Theater albums, particualrly SFAM and Infinity...correct me if I'm wrong.
From what I remember he said that he could appreciate the level of talent or skill that Dream Theater has, but the music itself doesn't do anything for him.