State Of The Union


Cessation Of Life
Mar 28, 2002
I know that some of you might not like this, but it's a part of our everyday life. I watched the President's speech last night. There was one thing that bothered me. Why spend so much $$$ on Aides victims in Africa? I say take those $$$ and put it to good use for the upcoming Iraq war.

Are you guys pro/con for military action in Iraq?
I'm against the war. President Bush desperatery tries to invade Iraq and conquer their oil.
I agree with your comment Valofvalhalla. I feel we have no choice but to pursue the terrorists that threaten our nation and Iraq certainly falls into that category. If we had taken care of terrorists in the past when they deserved it, we might not be facing such desperate times now! As someone approaching retirement, I am willing to sacrifice some of my "nest egg" to ensure a safer world for us all. The threat of war plays havoc with our financial stability.

I pray that we JUST DO IT so we can move on to rebuilding again! In my opinion, we have let too many actions slide by without standing up for our rights. I don't support the idea that this issue is about anyone's oil . . . rather it's about everyone's freedom.
I'm against war as well. Our fathers and grandfathers fought to ensure that we didn't have to. They didn't want us to witness war, especially my generation. But unfortunately here we are and now my generation has been faced with the truth: Freedom has a price and is paid for with lives. My family is struggling with this finacially as are so many and it's sickening, war is to help our ecomony by providing jobs and such. This war is like the cure that is worse than the diease.

I can understand why a lot of people are for this war and for the first time in my life I am face with a fear not known before. This fear cannot be drowned out my music or ignored by the stroke of a pencil; it's there constently and unlike my war, it's real. The pro war party thinks this war will ensure freedom and create brighter times for future generations. Maybe they are right, but I'll I know is that this isn't a 1 year or 2 year war, this war is to last a long time and my generation as well the other futures are the ones damned to clean what you all have messed and fix what you all have broken. And when I say you all, I mean everyone on both sides of the line.
I couldnt disagree with you more Val- 30 billion dollars over ten years for aids is a good idea. There are many reasons for this; Firstit will show the rest of the world that we arrogant americans actually care about the poorer countries.

Second last I heard over 30 million had aids in Africa- and something like 60 mi9llion have Hiv- That is alot of people, hell the whole continent might be gone soon.

Third, eventually the disease will spread over here, if we dont do something.

Finally, why the hell are we going to war with Iraq- for some misguided American Arrogance- we cant force other countries to become Democratic, especially when they never have been democratic- also Saddam is a sunni leader in A shiite country- the SHiiite s are those lovely fellows in Iran, and can one imagine who would cvome to power if Saddam is ousted? Maybe the next Ayatollah. This is the reason I was told by my cousin who retired from,intelligence that we made a deal with Saddam to keep him in power- he was suposed to disarm, and we would stay out of his way. Also I understand that even the American businesses in Kuwait were never damaged- only the oil fields when we decided to go to war against Saddam- hell only 200,000 kuwaitis are actual citizens- the rest have no better righst than migratory workers-
More ramblings:

As for the connection between Iraq and Al quaida- why does anyone beleive there is a connection? We have yet to offer any proof at all- if we did we would already be at war. Moreover, a connection between Al Quaida and Iraq makes no sense. Saddam is a religious minority, he has a secular gov. the last thing he would want would be religious wackos coming into his country and stirring up a already turbulent situation. Most likely, such extremists are thrown in jail.

I will say if BUsh is using the war tactic to actually force Saddam to totally disarm without going to war- that is a wonderful political trick- almost as good as hitler taking over Austria and Czechslovakia without firing a shot, and with the ALlies approval. Well thats all i can think of now -Val do you wish to argue?
the other day in my local paper there was a political cartoon of bush doin the SOTU address. he was standin there in george patton attire saying, "i bet yall are wonderin why i called you here today..."
Originally posted by speed

Well thats all i can think of now -Val do you wish to argue?

I disagree with you Speed because there are many problems here in our country that need to be dealt with first. My comment about using tax payers money to fight aides in Africa were justified, besides, Aides is already here. Are you one of those that thinks Aides came from monkies? Just curious. You see, if you are an intravenious drug user, if you are gay, if you are hetrosexual and having intercourse without the proper apparel, then, you have a serious problem with comprehending the information that our govnt has handed out regarding taking percautions to prevent this. There are some really ignorant people in this day and age that don't even know how to read, let alone graduate without the proper credits. Our school system sucks and I would rather see that money spent on improving our schooling than on aides afflicted countries. (And please don't bring up the CA lottery that said that a certain portion of the proceeds would go to our schools) They breed like flies in Africa and heed no warnings. Doctors from the US have flown there and offered information on this problem. BTW, have you sponsered any children in Africa? I'm just curious because there are programs like that where you can send money there to sponser starving kids. I agree with that. I think that it should be up to the individual on where and when and how much money should leave hands here. This is just my opinion.

I never read anything in the news that tied Al Q. with Iraq. It was and is strictly a disarming issue.
Originally posted by thebigyetti
the other day in my local paper there was a political cartoon of bush doin the SOTU address. he was standin there in george patton attire saying, "i bet yall are wonderin why i called you here today..."

I think this one was pretty cool myself.

I cant agree with Bush wanting to spend 30 billion on AIDS victims in another country. I think its ludicrous.
We should be helping our own country first:
1) the homeless
2) the elderly
3) cleaning up our cities / slums
4) ensuring that ALL immigrants are learning English

My biggest problem with his speech was he didnt address the growing criminal problem we face. Our jails are over crowded with useless cretins who have made careers out of being arrested for various lesser crimes such as breaking and entering, burglary, assault, etc. I think we need much more strict and swift national capital punishment laws.

As far as the war, I am not opposed to it. I think we should have eliminated saddam when we had the chance. War with these violent, hateful middle eastern countries is inevitable.
I think we just need to make sure we have the FULL support of the rest of the free world before we go and do something so rash and end up alienating ourselves. After 9/11 I am in full support of complete and total annhilation of those responsible.
Liz, comments well received....have you been reading Nostradameus?'s just a no-brainer. I'm too damn smart for my own good, I'll probrably end up dead because of it.

I agree with Hunger expect for the last paragraph. I think it's sick and immoral to use 9/11 as an excuse for going to war and treating middle eastern people as animals. Yes, those who killed must be punished, but they are dead and are serving their punishment now, the ones that are alive must be brought to justice and have a justified and unbias trial with a justified verdict.

When you treat people like animals then they will react like animals and anyways, I despise group punishment unless the whole was involved. In this case it was just a group of a certain people, why pass prejudice against all? Yes, they killed thousands, but they also killed themselves. The ones alive killed their chance to live in public and killed their chance to make it to Paradise. If I remember right, the best revenge is to make it seem like it never bothered you. Justice can still be served in this way as well if handled properly.

There are extremists in every religion, even Christianity (KKK). Does anyone do anything about them?
Point #1- Why go to war with Iraq when we have no solid proof that he has weapons and yet North Korea is flaunting their weapons and we aren't semingly doing anything or not enough to them? We had our chance with him, hell it was our fault for giving him 10+ years to rebuild his army, we don't deserve that?

Point #2- I don't blame our Allies for not backing us up. We stick our noses in everyone's busness, it's time we pay attention to our own poor and our own sick and homeless. Granted it's the "American Way" to care and show that we aren't ignorent or bad or anything, but people are losing their jobs and prices are going up. My state's Gov. refuses to raise taxes but budgets are being slashed.

Which brings me to Point #3- Why take from the schools, fire/police depts. when we can just raise taxes on the millionares/billionares and politicans who don't make much meaningful use of their money anyways? Hit them instead of those struggling to make ends meet. Why are the farmers and hard-working people being hit so hard when those who only entertain or guess/tell you things you already know and companies who get you addicted/drunk get paid so much more and are hardly scratched? Farmers feed this nation and this world yet all you hear is how they're forclosing or how workers are getting laid off and their benifits tapped into.
Originally posted by LIZ METAL
Point #1- Why go to war with Iraq when we have no solid proof that he has weapons and yet North Korea is flaunting their weapons and we aren't semingly doing anything or not enough to them? We had our chance with him, hell it was our fault for giving him 10+ years to rebuild his army, we don't deserve that?

Iraq...War is money.
Korea: North Korea accused the United States Tuesday of beefing up its military presence around the Korean Peninsula to "crush" the North. The communist regime's latest actions followed comments by U.S. officials in Washington that Defense Secretary Donald H. Rumsfeld is considering sending an aircraft carrier to the waters off the Korean Peninsula and adding bombers in Guam. The moves are intended to deter the North from provocations during any U.S. war with Iraq, the officials said.
The United States has 37,000 troops in South Korea (news - web sites), a legacy of the 1950-53 Korean War.

So, the US is keeping a safe watch on N.Korea Liz. Japan & So. Korea will more than likely join forces with us too!

Which brings me to Point #3- Why take from the schools, fire/police depts. when we can just raise taxes on the millionares/billionares and politicans who don't make much

***You said it....."They don't make much. Do you know what our president salary is?"
But it doesn't make sense to take away from what matters most. In the town next to me for an example, they are giving 75 police officers pink slips and getting rid of the 35 civilians that work at the police dept. They stated that certain calls will not be responded to. All this because of the budget slashing. Schools across the state are thinking of making kids go to school only 4 days a week to save money. Why? I still don't see why we can't take from those who can afford to be taken from. This is all becoming way too fuckin' stressful.

Iraq...War is money.

And excatly where the Hell is it going? I see no positive effect on the ecomony since we started this stupid-ass 'war on terror'.

And what the Hell is that website about? I looked at it and I'm still firm on my opinions. How do the rich run this country? it's the farmers and middle class must be a Republican, huh?