'The State of the (Failing) Union address'


Unrepentant sentient
Jan 26, 2002
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Friends, nobles, countrymen, lend me your ears, I come to praise this forum, not to bury it!

In fact, we need to raise it out of the ground and douse it with holy water from preventing it from turning into the evil undead. Which is cool, but not in forum form. We've seen a few changes in the past year or so, many familiar faces gone, a few new faces have appeared, but rather than a spirit of growth, reconciliation and determination, much of the atmosphere of this place has become stagnation, division and despair. On a more serious note, the 'bad' posts, those of angst and hostility are beginning to outnumber those of a more upbeat tone. From a quickfire round on the QA thread last night, I've come to a few conclusions on what could possibly help the situation:

1. How about a new forum design? Any graphic artists left here who can have a go at it? We could put one together in the colour style and theme of the new 'Lost to Apathy' single cover, giving it a facelift and maybe attract a few more people. As it stands, the forum is as drab and grey as many of the other forums sharing the same colours.

2. Maybe we should have a DT sub-forum with archived material. All the threads that are becoming locked or maybe even all the current threads could be moved into the archive sub-forum, all readable so we don't lose the history, but have the forum proper fresh and ready for a new beginning?

3. We have the 'new user - post here', 'now playing - post here', 'i have returned - post here' threads, why not introduce a new one? 'Feel like ranting? - Post here'. That way, the people who want to do nothing but bitch and complain and talk about all the things pissing them off have somewhere to vent that doesn't take over and influence the feeling of threads such as the 'Now feeling', which in its early days used to be optimistic, or at least more neutral than it is now. Several people I've spoken to have said that they go to the 'Now feeling' thread these days to see whats upsetting or annoying people, such is the feeling there. Sure, if you are having a really bad day, and you want to talk about your feelings on the matter, post in a feeling thread, but if all your post comprises of is 'nf: pissed off :bah:' or 'nf: :( ({)({)({)', then maybe a venting thread would be a better place to do it.

These are just a few suggestions, I know some others have a few others, and some I haven't spoken to may have a few more, but if you, like me, feel like a change, and one for the better, just add your voice to this thread, and if you have something you want to bring up, please do so. :D
Ben, considering that this thread was my idea (;) ) I would like to take a minute to say that everything that is proposed in here is for the better.

I used to get a much happier vibe from this place, and now it seems that everywhere you turn it's nothing but doom&gloom. So let's have abit of change, it never hurt anything :).

I think your suggestions are good, DJ, but I don't think the state of the board is as critical as you think. Another positive effect of #2 is that newcomers would'nt feel like standing in front of an inpenetrable wall of gibberish and jabbering.
I wholeheartedly agree with Ben and Nick. Lets face it, this forum used to be fun and interesting to read, with intelligent discussions and posts that appeared to have some thought behind them, and that's no longer the case. Doom&gloom and also hostility seem to have taken over... So a change would be a good idea in my opinion. :)
Like I mentioned in another thread, I think another problem is that most people don't care to participate in anything, be it discussion, playing-around, games, nonsense, activities, etc..

I think it'd be good for all the invisible people to be 'visible' ..what's the big fuckin' deal.
(I recently realized that I myself was one of them.. I noticed a couple of times, but didn't take the time to change it ..I did now, though)

I'm all up for the changing of the forum interface. In fact, let's do it. I'm sure there are people here who can have it easily arranged, but if they'd like I can take it up myself.
Let's begin by taking, at least, this point seriously.
Yes! This is the sort of spirit I like to see! Go getting and optimistic! I'm not brilliant at the whole digital manipulation thing, but I can put a few ideas together for how to brighten it up. I'm looking at the Lost to Apathy cover design 'As We Speak' (by Soilwork...ha ha ha, little graveyard humour there! I will give much love to the person who can tell me where the quote comes from). :D

Mags, since you're the first to volunteer and I know you have the mad l337 skillz, I think that you should do some preliminary work, and then let us have a look at the results. :)
A bunch of 10 so-called-friends talking to eachother is never going to be fresh anyway, just forget it. I sometimes wonder, is there only that many DT fans that would like to discuss over the internet? And whining about the whining is.. well, hopeless. You know what this forum would need? A complete stop, everything would move over to IRC for a year or so. That would create a lot more lively discussions. And, Mr. Sundin or other band members could perhaps participate a wee bit more, even though they are probably always busy. And away, grey foul design, away! It's awfully depressing. But negativity is all over the internet, and the world.. and in metal, so why should this place be a total exception? Finally, I always got bored of this forum and stopped posting, because all you would see is post from same people day in and day out, about their lovely relationships with this and that. But good luck turning it around! :)

Now, if you'll excuse me, i'm going out to burn some mosques! :devil:
It's not about eliminating the negativity completely, just trying to control the non-stop flow of "nf: omgomgomgomgomgomgomgomgomgomg!!!!!11111111111!!!!!!!!!! suicidal!". I realise it's probably too much to ask of an internet forum, but when people have actually had serious problems and posted about it the reactions have lately been something like "so your entire family and all your friends died when your house burned down and all your financial assets were destroyed? sucks. nf: I'm so depressed, I don't know why, I lost a paper clip, I need all your love and support now"
Yes, I'm exaggerating, but it comes across as a bit... I dunno, indifferent to others?
Child of Time said:
I think your suggestions are good, DJ, but I don't think the state of the board is as critical as you think. Another positive effect of #2 is that newcomers would'nt feel like standing in front of an inpenetrable wall of gibberish and jabbering.

Thats subjective, to me its so slow its on a coma.
i agree with magsec and misanthrope the most. there's other points i might try to make (nothing i haven't said before, anyway), but i need a little more time so i'll stick to replying to suggestions #1, 2, and 3.

1. a change in the way the forum looks to mirror a change in the way the official site looks is scheduled for around the time character comes out.

2. there will also be a temporary refresh/turnover of the usual threads around the time the new record is out. whether it will have any success or not depends solely on you.

3. i have no objections to anybody starting a thread for ranting on. i guess it will soon turn into yet another "regular chat" thread, like the one about facts, for instance. and i also think that if people post on the feelings thread that they feel bad, they're hardly going to start posting that they feel happy just because now they have a separate thread to vent on. nonetheless, posts like "nf: pissed off" have always been the scourge of message boards.
Actually, looking over the past month-or-so's worth of NF posts, there really aren't that many one-line "NF: Shit/Pissed off/Depressed" posts there anymore. The majority of posts have a decent paragraph which at least explains why everyone is shit, pissed off, and depressed.

EDIT: Perhaps someone should bump the "Something good happened today" thread, which was, I thought, a decent counter to the NF: Depressed thread. Apparently, nothing good has happened to anyone for a good four weeks now.
people can't just start to write that they're feeling happy when they aren't, i'm against the "omgomgomg i want to kill myself!!!!!11111" kind of posts too as much as the "omgomgomg i feel sooooooo goooood1!!!!!!!111", but i find it perfectly logical to write how someone is feeling in the feelings thread as long as there's a explanation of some sort or some thought behind the post.
then this is just how i see it, and if for example i am bugging people with posting how i feel i just need to be told and i'll stop.
Hiljainen said:
people can't just start to write that they're feeling happy when they aren't, i'm against the "omgomgomg i want to kill myself!!!!!11111" kind of posts too as much as the "omgomgomg i feel sooooooo goooood1!!!!!!!111", but i find it perfectly logical to write how someone is feeling in the feelings thread as long as there's a explanation of some sort or some thought behind the post.
then this is just how i see it, and if for example i am bugging people with posting how i feel i just need to be told and i'll stop.
Those were the sorts of posts I meant, like I said, if you're feeling crap, by all means post about it and talk about whats bothering you, the main focus of what I said were the 'omgomgomogmomgomgomg' style posts you can't stand either, that's why I wanted a separate thread for them so as to leave the other thread free for real conversation. :)
@Hil: Agreed in total, I think most people would agree too. At least I would hope so. Regardless, I for one wouldn't want you to stop posting there.

@DJ: Like I just said, there doesn't seem to be that many of those type of posts anymore. :confused: If anything having a separate thread would encourage more of those posts, albeit in a different thread which is apparently acceptable.
yep, if used correctly a ranting thread could take away a lot of omgomgomg posts :) if used correctly, that may be not easy depending on the kind of attention wanted (is this even comprehensible??) since a rant thread wouldn't be read by many people

edit: the monkeys stopped screaming (read the fact thread)
Rusty said:
@DJ: Like I just said, there doesn't seem to be that many of those type of posts anymore. :confused: If anything having a separate thread would encourage more of those posts, albeit in a different thread which is apparently acceptable.
Yes, at the moment, there aren't, but after speaking to a few people that haven't been back over the past month (or more), that was one of the main reasons they left, and so a reason why I decided to include it in a list of possible changes.

@rahvin: Rather than just a turnover of threads, wouldn't an archive be considered? As Child of Time said, a relatively fresh first page might give newcomers more incentive to stay, rather than lists of long posts and in jokes?
Dark_Jester said:
Yes, at the moment, there aren't, but after speaking to a few people that haven't been back over the past month (or more), that was one of the main reasons they left, and so a reason why I decided to include it in a list of possible changes.
How about telling them that this isn't the case anymore? If at the moment this isn't too big a problem, it's something that can go further down on this list of things that supposedly need changing.
@hilj: please do not stop posting. i'd start with the "nf: depressed" messages myself if i was suddenly deprived of your crazy humor. :)