
From now on, whenever I see rahvin post, I will always think of Sex Dwarf by Christian Death...

As for the fading of the "golden age".. *shrugs* ages come, ages go.

This is supposedly a music forum after all, and Dark Tranquillity have been kinda quiet for a bit. For good reasons definitley, but it shouldn't exactly be a surprise that it goes quiet when theres not much doing. With the new album in summer, and hopefully a tour afterwards, this place is likely to pick up. I left a while back because there was too much silliness, not enough music, while hearing about a new album brought me back here to lurk, then to post...

As for the rest of it... I'll agree with Mag, its always seemed a bit cliquey in here. In a way, the old set as it were fading slightly could be seen as good, giving room for new people.

There'll be more people along, and actual music to talk about and today is never as good as any other. Most of the community will stick onto msn anyway...
VultureCulture said:
and about you, you still are an important part of all this as far as i am concerned. your posts have been and still are very insightful and valuable

What can I say? Thank you so much, coming from you, that compliment means much more to me. :Spin:

Wanderingblade said:
Agreeing with VC here Ing, you always were one of the pillars of this forum imo...

Coming from you, it means nothing to me. :rolleyes: Nah, just kidding, I really appreciate this, guys, I'm feeling more like a pillar right now. Whatever it might mean, anyway. :) Thank you, really.

|ng (The lovely robot)

P.S: Steve, hug me, big boy. :loco:
i won't give my opinion... :heh:

pete, how do you dare calling us silly? you're evil.
Oldest nazi member makes a nostalgic thread, whimpering that the forum is shit (which is true) and soon the forum swarms with several people returning to whine and tear along herr cheesy aryan...makes me sick, I should post more and whip your asses to let you rediscover what being tr00 means :mad:
Magsec summed up how I have been feeling about the forum for the last few months. I talked to him for a while about it a couple weeks ago, and I was glad to see that it wasn't just me that felt that way. It started to seem very cliqueish here lately, and I felt increasingly awkward about posting here as time went on. I never really posted here that often, but I used to check the forum everyday, and even made a few posts a day at one point, and really looked forward to doing so. I'm not entirely sure if the forum itself has changed or if my perspective has changed. I guess my perception though lately has been that there haven't been as many deep topics as there were at one point, which is where I kind of like to chime in and see what others have to say. But I guess that subject runs out eventually, and maybe it has at this point. But I'm not really sure of that...
Now that I just kind of returned to reading the forum it's amusing and pleasant to hear that someone is also missing those days when familiar faces were around... Not that I returned that much to post in I'm-back-from-long-absence thread but I actually got myself brave enough to buy a decent sound-card and post stuff I've been around all this time in creativity thread ;) I surely miss all you people - rahvin, VC, Thanatos, Phyros, Hearse, and others. I think if irc channel was back up I would fire up much more since I feel kind of lazy to open these slow pages often.
i hope i can manifest my joy for having skald back quickly enough before (a) ultimatemetal becomes unstable; or (b) i have to throw up something i've been drinking last night; or (c) ragnarok is here. ;)
Dark_Jester said:
I call riding Fenris :grin:
last i've heard from him you were calling him names. this doesn't bode well for the outcome of the last battle. me, i'm calling on rand al'thor: got some shit to solve with him once and for all, plus he's always surrounded by beautiful women with brightly coloured garments.
Damn, she was my favourite too. Ok, I'll settle for Aviendha, but I am NOT putting up with that irritating bloody Elayne. If I had my way, Elayne, Nynaeve and Egwene would have their nostrils blocked up. ;)