'The State of the (Failing) Union address'

well, noone is forcing you, you can go on with your doom&gloom if you like.
but we're starting a revolution, the white powers shall win! :grin:
Siren said:
well, noone is forcing you, you can go on with your doom&gloom if you like.
i don't feel the need to stress in great big letters that i'm happy, even when i am. in fact, if i were to witness a series of statements of people saying they're *truly* happy, i'd convince myself they're all but.

but we're starting a revolution, the white powers shall win! :grin:
careful with expressions such as "the white powers", please, we're not in south carolina.
Child of Time said:
Remember that black text will be a little more difficult to read on a light grey background. Black on white (or the opposite) are very good in that aspect.

These are also good:
green - red
yellow - purple
blue - orange
it's truly happy, ben, not "really". signs of morbid psychosis and attempts to conceal deep-seated dissatisfaction by means of shoving a fabricated state of elation in the face of those we superciliously deem less fortunate require a truly.
oh, and i don't care if you're in your late forties, you're still one hell of a piece of ass. ;)
:lol: @ the white power degenerations. now the "no more black" stance takes on a different flavor altogether and it makes me think of the hilarious "go feed a my pals" line that one of the esteemed members of this forum uttered during this weekend :lol: :lol:
Now if we could the greedy fucks to get rid of that stupid "Support Ultimate
Metal! Become a Premium Member! $15USD per year - get extra member
benefits, webspace, webmail and more! Upgrade today! Thanks for your
support!" crap on top of the banner and we would all be a lot happier.
Like anyone cares about "premium" membership on an otherwise free board.
And if they do, they can just as well go to the questions part of the forum.
fireangel said:
Depends. Most avatars were chosen to work good on a dark background. Aswell many people post on several forums, so they need something that goes well everywhere. Most other forums are darker, so it´s a bit tricky now. Same goes for choosing a signature colour to work everywhere.

Well, the thing about white (and indeed black) is that it goes with any colour :grin: It's not actually considered a colour, according to what I was taught during art lessons at school, and that is why it goes with everything. I watch makeover and interior design shows on tv, I should know ;)
Another reason to bow to the White Power :cool: Black is banned, grey is tolerated because it's a mix between white and grey and will serve to enhance and serve the white, which will of course always be superior.

Originally Posted by Dark_Jester
Damn straight I'm a hot piece of ass
Damn right you are!
Wow! :yow:

New look to the forum, nice poetry, interesting discussions - it all makes me want to spend a lot more time in here! :)

Must be a clever conspiracy to prevent me from ever finishing my graduation-thesis (exactly one week left - and I just got struck by a massive writer's block... :erk: ).

Anyways, if and when I actually manage to graduate, I promise to be much more active here, at least in all DT-related discussions. Actually, I have had some observations about the band's progression up to this point in my mind for quite some time now, but haven't had the mental energy to write them down, yet. And when the new album comes out, I will most likely talk a lot about it (whether or not it reaches the level of my expectations).

Anyways, keep up the good work with the look of the forum!

Salamurhaaja said:
Like anyone cares about "premium" membership on an otherwise free board.
when the servers are crap, the bandwidth sucks, it becomes unreliable and you have to deal with millions of stupid fucking spamers if you ever live this board.

I fixed your post.
@fireangel: and also, colour combination is entirely individual ;) I wasn't entirely serious with my last post, but I stick with my point and that is that everyone's avatars look better now :grin: possibly because the surrounding doom & gloom has gone (well, colourwise anyway ;))