
rahvin said:
candidate for perfect partner-in-crime, silly german girl! :p
hey, that sounds good. So let´s conquer the north (and at least I wanna take oomph! northwards, too...) :)

rahvin said:
now stop the marvel and smilies at my kissing proficiencies and reply to my mail! ;)
You should now have part one in your mailbox. :wave: Now I have to start working :erk:
well, i'll be a non-conformist (because it's cool) and say that i'm enjoying this forum far more than i used to in the past.

around last year i sensed way more hostility - at least towards myself - and way less tolerance for dissenting opinions. now it's definitely better. take fireangel here, for example: i commented honestly on her posts, with words and concepts that might have been objectively far from her views, and she replied politely, debating my points and creating an occasion for a fruitful exchange of ideas. which makes me like her a lot (no, not in that way. relax. only the guys on here are gay). in the days of old, honesty was often stonewalled because it didn't sound good to some people, so i felt gagged and ostracized.

@magsec: i understand that the fact that some of us know each other IRL can be a little off-putting. but if you want to know what's going on in our lives, just ask: we're all very long-winded when it comes to talking about ourselves, we will bore you to death and you'll be sorry you ever asked. :grin: seriously, i think that one of the reasons why people come on here is exactly because they want to share their inner turmoil. maybe it's the main reason, for a forum like that. and, to get back to the previous argument, a year ago that would have been attacked - someone jeered at me for using this forum as a "frustration diary", and of course such quips do not make one long for further communication -, but now it's safe to ask and it's safe to answer.

and, of course, this forum is better than it ever was because we have Carl now. *smooch*
@fireangel: yes, i have part one in my mailbox now and will reply tomorrow because you people all write to me so darn late. i'm ok with conquering the northlands with you, and i'll add a bonus kiss so you can start hating/rejecting me without too much time in the inbetween.

@hyena: ah, thanks. :) we will win, we will.
hyena said:
well, i'll be a non-conformist (because it's cool) and say that i'm enjoying this forum far more than i used to in the past.

around last year i sensed way more hostility - at least towards myself - and way less tolerance for dissenting opinions. now it's definitely better. take fireangel here, for example: i commented honestly on her posts, with words and concepts that might have been objectively far from her views, and she replied politely, debating my points and creating an occasion for a fruitful exchange of ideas. which makes me like her a lot (no, not in that way. relax. only the guys on here are gay). in the days of old, honesty was often stonewalled because it didn't sound good to some people, so i felt gagged and ostracized.
:blush: but you know what? I´ve been reading here for a year, and saw a lot of discussions. And I had thought that I would not like you, because couple of things were very aggressive, and I noticed people "fighting" with you. So I was very surprised when I actually put the u-boot to surface ;) and realized we get along well and everything is just fine.
Maybe it is really that old kind of truth, that how you behave is mirrored by the surrounding (not always though, I had a shitty time in school though I did not harm anyone, it just came so...) Or maybe I learned from that, that I can understand how people feel when they are attacked for no reason.

So besides days when I am really upset or being annoyed by really stupid people, I try to be polite. And when I am argueing, then still I try to refer to the topic, or in bad cases, be arrogant about real crap, but then it is always something concerning the matter, not in a personal way.

rahvin said:
and i'll add a bonus kiss
@fireangel: maybe in the past i was just more evil than i currently am, but believe me, you'll never hear me get mad at a reasonable argument. i can agree or disagree, but individuals come before ideas where i'm concerned, and i try to show respect (happy now, Ben?) 360 no matter what you believe in. what i hate is emotional assumptions about people turned into starting points for arguments: if one starts going on about so-and-so "having issues" and therefore being, say, left-wing or right-wing i'll shoot him or her pronto, because trying to psychoanalyze people you don't know in order to draw a conclusion sounding suspiciously like "you don't share my ideas because you don't have enough sex" is just not done.

EDIT: my boy, you're really obsessing here. you know i only love you. :p
ok, so i got one of you blushing because i'm exploiting my only skill that received a modicum of attention in the past five days (the astounding ability to kiss whatever comes my way), and the other hastily editing that i'm being paranoid. hooray! now i finally get my precious prize from life! :lol: :p

right, nite to all ya ladies. :rolleyes:
nite to you too, honey. you know what? i just decided that when you come to visit me next weekend you'll have an action-packed saturday night. we'll go out to dinner with Evil Incarnate and you'll kiss her. or kill her. whatever suits us best at the moment. then we'll die laughing.
you're doing that for me! and i'll buy you wine for the effort. :)

goodnight. i NEED sleep.
hyena said:
and, of course, this forum is better than it ever was because we have Carl now. *smooch*

:blush: Aww, that was cute of you!

Since I'm quite new here, I don't know very much about how this board was a while ago, but I have of course noticed that a lot of the people I noticed when I had my n00b-lurking period isn't here anymore. And that feels a little bad for mee too (like the rats are leaving the sinking ship :erk: ), even of I didn't get to know them at all. But still there's a bunch of nice persons here. And the thing that probably will be happening is that we n00bs that didn't experience the Golden Age sort of give this board a restart. And how good that ever will be, it can of course not compete with nostalgia.
i agree with cot's views on how to renew people's participation to board activities. also, this place needs continuity in the shape of regulars posting interesting stuff and drawing new blood from other forums, or straight from their pool of friends in real life. i'll try to do my part in coming up with new ideas and more or less force everybody i meet to come and post on here, but i'd like to stress the fact that no matter how n00b anyone might be, there's really no need to be scared of flames or - of all things - moderators' disapproval for starting threads / being very active and stuff. for once, i like new things and i don't care that much about sticking to protocol, so if you have material you're all free to start even 2 threads a day. besides, i've never been one for striking people down with lightning without warning, so rest assured that if i ever find something is not appropriate i will just tell you so kindly, or at least funnily enough to make fun of me in return. making fun of me is a great source of vitality for this forum. :p
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Wow... I leave for a weekend and look what happens. I'm sorry, and I'm gonna miss all of you :(. I'll also now be the only of the American Three left here, I guess. I guess I'll talk to you guys on MSN or something, but still...

Well everybody has already said all the sensible stuff :grin:
As someone who came in not too long after the Golden Age (or so I've been told), I don't know exactly what it used to be - but from reading old threads and such, I can imagine, and it's obvious that it's different today... It's a shame that so many clever, amusing and interesting people are leaving though, since that's exactly the kind of people a forum in a crisis needs :grin:
@Vulture: Last time I had some words with Skald, he told me he was planning to get to the states in search of a job and a comfortable way of life with his wife. After that, no news about him revealing his actual conditions, hope he's healthy and happy. About the rest... nothing either, I'm sorry. I miss Phyros too. *snifff*

And well, I don't know if I ever was a significant member of the board, but I like to think I was part of it all, partaking of that deep feeling Gums talked about.

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thanks for the info, |ng, i guess they just have something better to do ;)

and about you, you still are an important part of all this as far as i am concerned. your posts have been and still are very insightful and valuable, and hey, i've always had a good laugh as well ;)