Steve Irwin is dead

okay smartass, I didn't take the time to look in every thread to see if someone already mentionned it :err:
Considering the animals he worked with, it shouldn't be a shock, but it is. And the fact that he didn't die from a crocodile is a shock too. I can bet you they caught it on film.
Holy shit I was just going to post this, I am actually shocked. Like somone said, it shouldn't be to suprising, but it is. I thought the guy was pretty awsome.
Man this really sucks. I actually looked up to this guy a lot throughout my years, heh. I heard his wife still doesn't know, as shes hiking somwhere else in Oz right now?

Also, I highly doubt what he was doing was as uncontrolled and fate-tempting as it came across as on THA TEEVEEZ, the guy knew what he was doing. Very sad and suprising and sad and sad :(
Despite all the shit he got, the man was a legend.
What a bizarre way for him to die, Stingrays are very placcid supposedly.
Still, nobody can argue that he didn't live his life well and to the full.
RIP, and much respect.
Yeah, I liked the guy and his show, but you knew something like this was bound to happen.
Claws of Perdition said:
She is trecking in some mountains in Tasmania atm, aparently still doesnt know :(

erik that's tasteless even for you what the fuck man

ok sorry rip steve irwin, keep shreddin in heaven
As much as I loathed the stereotype he displayed for the rest of the world, he did bring much awareness for dangerous animals and helped with the environment in many ways.

He also did alot for tourism in Australia, and always supported the country.

So in life, I didn't like the guy, but in death, I give him full respect.

How ironic is it that he survives all this other dangerous shit, but gets killed by a fucking sting ray, who kill less people a year than me playing a first-person shooter