Still debating ENGL purchase


Oct 31, 2005
That's right since moving from a Line6 HD147 to a 5150 with v30 straight cab....

I'm alot happier with the brutal modern metal/ metalcore tone.

But, I just want a little more !!! rahhh !!!

I've been hearing good stuff....and pretty good review about Powerballs.

Just wonder what kinda tonal difference there is between 5150 and Powerball ?

Also, is that tone worth nearly double the price of a 5150 ?

Another thing kinda neat about Poweball....Noise Gate! But I hope it is a good one!!!o_O

Whata yall think about this ?
Or even the new JSX? It's really great for metal. If you don't want to spend *THAT* much on an Engl, why not check out the Fireball. It's basically the same thing as the PowerBall, just less channels. The PowerBall is *four* channels, whereas the FireBall (I think) is just *two* channels. I beleive it has the same exact sound though.

I think you should go for the Powerball. It's totally great, and not everyone in States have them. As far as I know, too few people back there realize how great ENGL amps are. If you don't like it you'll certainly find a buyer for it.

Be brave and go for it :)
the powerball has a naturally 'scooped' kinda tone, whereas the 5150 is known for it's dominant midrange

the powerball IMO excels at chuggy lowend, whereas the 5150 does the high-mid grind thing very well

i've only had limited experience with a powerball, and have owned 5150's for several years...i find that with a good OD pedal, between the crunch and lead channels there are actually a lot of great high gain tones to be found in the 5150...add an EQ or sonic maximizer to the loop and you've got a ton more

to me the powerball wouldn't be worth $1800 (or $1400 used) when i got my 5150 for a mere $350 (used of course) the powerball does have a much better clean tho, if that's a major concern to you
I had a Fireball and can vouch for it. Brutal, clear, thick tone. I loved it. The newer revision Powerball has a better noise gate than the old one. If you go the Fireball route, get an ISP Decimator pedal. The BEST noise reduction pedal I have ever used. Check out Derek sells Engl and ISP. I have dealt with him twice, awesome guy, no problems whatsoever.

nah...clean don't matter.....

But I was debating also to send my 5150 to FJA to be modded.....maybe that will add a little extra to it ?

cheaper to spend 400 modding it then 1400-1800 for a Powerball huh ?

But then I will need a gate too for Live setup on 5150.....

Time for a HUSH II huh.
i've used my 5150 with and without a gate, honestly if you tame down the gain i think it sounds much better without one; atleast in the loop

something like the isp decimator would work well just to cover your ass for feedback tho

what specifically are you looking for in your tone, that the 5150 isn't giving you?
The ISP Decimator is made by the guy who invented the HUSH system for Rocktron. He left them and started ISP. My friend bought the Decimator pedal per my recommendation and used it with his Mesa/Boogie TriAxis -> Simul 2:90 setup and it worked wonders. He plays extremely technical death metal, high gain, fast paced, and a lot of stop-start riffs where that silence in between the notes is crucial. The other guitarist bought one soon after and now they have the tightest sound around here. They sound very professional because of it. Of course their demeanor on stage adds to that, but their sound is just...unbeatable by anyone around here with even better equipment. ISP Decimator > all.

I think the 5150 tone is awesome...... but I like the brutality of the Framus cobra too.

In a perfect world.......I would get the Cobra knocked up by a 5150.

And have a little Framus 5150 ! LOL!!!

But seriously, a 5150 with a Framus Cobra bite (no pun intended) would OWN !!!!!
if you like the 5150 midrange, avoid the powerball (or any engl for that matter) at all costs! to my ears, engls are glorified bedroom amps.....they sound great at low volumes, but get worse as the volume increases, mainly because of a severe low mid lack.
From all the recording's that the studio owner and myself have engineered, using the 5150, the Dual Recto, the PowerBall, or the Marshall JCM2000, we both always have the same reactions. When listening to fully mixed and mastered product, we always say "man, grrrrrreat tone" when it comes to the 5150. For the JCM it's always "man, nice work on the drums", lol. We always say "I love how that Recto sounds" with the...Recto, obviously. But with the Engl, I swear, every single time. We go, "FUUUUUUUCK THAT IS AWESOME". It has that sound that makes you kind of grit your teeth and just want to punch somebody. Hard to explain other than that. Lol.

That all said, I still the think the 5150 has an incredible tone for metal. I have a 5150 combo and I will never get rid of that thing. I love it. I also have a PowerBall and it's a tough call. At the studio it varies which amp the bands usually pick because they are both so well suited for metal. As far as versatility, I think the 5150 is more versatile. I don't really understand what anyone's problem is with the 5150's clean channel, it's great. Sure, it's not a Fender clean, but I don't hear anything really wrong with it. The Power/FireBall does have a more glassy clean, but for all that extra money, is it all that worth it? When it comes to metal, I think amps should be looked at for their overall voicing. The 5150 has it's signature midrange, and the PowerBall has it's signature scooped yet cutting sound. There are no mods for the 5150 that will give you the scooped sound like an Engl. If it's the SOUND of the Engl that you are craving over your 5150, then get the Engl. There should be no doubt about it. Either you prefer the Engl's voicing over the 5150's, or you don't. They are both high-gain amps, they both are masters in the studio.

dude, if you find something that's in the vein of the 5150 just better let me know, i'll sure as hell get it, too! ;)
maybe you should really check out the framus cobra....should suit you better than an engl IMHO. both have their own version of a modded marshall sound going on, which is nice. i really like that hotrod marshall sound - gary holt's marshall is one excellent piece of equipment - and i'm constantly looking for amps that do exactly that sound.

006, as far as recording goes i think the savage is the best of the bunch. i've heared kickass recordings done with a savage, and i also saw a few guys use them live, with decent results. i personally couldn't get them to work for my style, though.
and the powerball is pure crap as far as i am concerned.
I played with one at the studio. Try to get the newest revision of the pball, cuz the first/original one, when played at loud volumes generates feedback a lot. The noise gate in it, doesn't work very well, iirc.
if you can't get something seriously rocking with a hi gain peavey or mesa it aint the amp.

There are only one or 2 engl clips in total that have sounded any good to me, and when those clips are put back to back with a recto or 5150 they still seem on the thin/compressed side.

I mean seriously..................
where are all the killer engl tones? apprently they crush everything right?

The evidence for great hi gain live and recorded tones rests solely with peavey and mesa and marshall (give or take a few other brands, but these are the major players)

my 2 cents fully inserted. :cool:
Fragle said:
if you like the 5150 midrange, avoid the powerball (or any engl for that matter) at all costs! to my ears, engls are glorified bedroom amps.....they sound great at low volumes, but get worse as the volume increases, mainly because of a severe low mid lack.

the powerball has a scooped sound, and i've heard players complain that they didn't cut thru well in a live mix...however, not all ENGL's are voiced like that; the blackmore and savage are both gain monsters that have a very full, old school marshall-esque midrange sound