Still Life on


Jan 26, 2002
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When I order CDs over Internet, I use (scandinavian). I just wondered if there are other releases of Still Life with some bonus tracks on it. Still Life is the only album on without any bonus tracks on it(except BP). Where can I find a release with extra tracks, if there are any? And by the way, when is the new Blackwater Park scheduled to be released?
There's no Still Life with bonus tracks. The albums you mentioned got some extra tracks because they aren't the original versions, but re-releases. There's no re-release of Still Life or Blackwater Park.
Originally posted by Mammon
When I order CDs over Internet, I use (scandinavian). I just wondered if there are other releases of Still Life with some bonus tracks on it. Still Life is the only album on without any bonus tracks on it(except BP). Where can I find a release with extra tracks, if there are any? And by the way, when is the new Blackwater Park scheduled to be released?

CDON sucks! They don't deliver the cd's your order from them! :(
ye I know.. They say 6 days on every album in there... but they've never delivered anything on time. Once I waited 3 months(!) for Dark Tranquility - Enter Suicidal Angels... then I got a mail that said they didn't have it at all. I got a discount though.. 29 NOK(2-3 dollars)
CDON sucks! They don't deliver the cd's your order from them!

Nja, de har faktiskt skärpt sig. Jag beställde tre skivor därifrån för ett tag sedan (Emperor - In The Nightside Eclipse, Satyricon - Dark Medieval Times och Death - Symbolic) och de kom fem dagar efter beställningen. Alla TRE skivorna I TID. Jag kommer nog våga beställa av dem fler gånger.
Originally posted by svenske kocken

Nja, de har faktiskt skärpt sig. Jag beställde tre skivor därifrån för ett tag sedan (Emperor - In The Nightside Eclipse, Satyricon - Dark Medieval Times och Death - Symbolic) och de kom fem dagar efter beställningen. Alla TRE skivorna I TID. Jag kommer nog våga beställa av dem fler gånger.

Åh fan! Jaså? Det kan ju bero på att det är skivor med hyfsat kända band, som ligger på stora bolag? Vad vet jag. I alla fall, Ginza är bäst! Inte så stort sortiment, men snabba leveranser som fan! :)