Still to come in 2004???

Nate The Great

What would Nathan do?
May 10, 2002
Meshuggah's website says 'Catch 33' is going to be a 2004 release. Has anybody actually heard anything more about this? Meshuggah is terrible at updating the site on a regular basis. I'm assuming the release date must have been pushed to 2005.

For anybody that didn't hear their 2004 EP, 'I', you missed out on one of the most amazing songs ever recorded. It is one song, over 20 minutes long, and I GUARANTEE you won't get bored with it . . . unless you're gay and don't like Meshuggah. Seriously, though, 'I' is much faster than 'Nothing', which I thought was a near perfect album. Relapse has 'I' for $8. Buy it when you order that Mouth of the Architect album I told you about.

'I' has recieved nothing but jawdropping reviews. People are absolutley pissing themselves with glee at the prospect of what a full album might sound like . . . assuming 'I' is similar to what their new album will be like.

Feel free to leave all the usual comments about Meshuggah being too tech for you . . . or you don't like the vocals . . . or you like it up the ass with a prickly cactus. Whatever . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Meshuggah is easily one of my favorite bands EVER!
I don't know whI I haven't pIcked up I yet. Or Chaosphere for that matter, I stIll only have Destroy Erase Improve, whIch Is sImply marvelous (years after I bought it I fInally "got" It).
DEI is still the total fucking win. I like the "True Human Design" EP as well. They have a campfire mix of a song called "Futile Bread Machine" (future breed machine parody). It has accoustic guitars and its done in a campfire singalong style. Total fucking win.
NicodemiX said:
"I" was cool, but I think that they stretched it out for too long.
Agreed (most of the music completely rules but it's a lot to digest in a single sitting, and I still wish Jens would keep his mouth shut), and prepare to have your patience tested again with the next one, which is also a single song.
That one video on the bus is AWESOME, very clever and lots of fun. Also I like their vocalist, very fighting for the band.
hey Umeå guys. If you ever find one of Meshuggah's first 12" EP lying around in one of the local shops get it for me and I will offer REWARD! (that is, as long as its not the equivalent of $100 or something)
There's been a mad dash of 2004 releases for me as of late thanks to good ole Doomcifer....Pagan Altar, Astrofaes, and a bunch of others.

Also, still waiting for my Ludicra in the mail. Goddamn...

I've also got a stack of promos laying about that fall either into '04 or even '05: Sonata Arctica, Mercenary (which I've already got), and a shit load from Black Lotus including the new Nightfall.

I've even been sent the latest Nightwish DVD!!! CCSSOREE! That sorts out my 2 year old's xmas I just need something for the wife. Maybe that Candlemass DVD will show up in time. :loco:
JayKeeley said:
I've even been sent the latest Nightwish DVD!!! CCSSOREE! That sorts out my 2 year old's xmas I just need something for the wife. Maybe that Candlemass DVD will show up in time. :loco:

Your family is the most metal family ever.
NicodemiX said:
Your family is the most metal family ever.
Heh, my 2 year old even does "devil hands", no lie. I taught her that, and now she does it all the time...."look daddy, devil" as she shows the horns: \m/

P.S. I got the Nest CD today, cheers. So these demos are CD-Rs? I was really looking forward to a color inlay....

Oh yeah, another CD I'm still waiting for.....Velvet Cacoon. Well, at least we know now that FMP aren't exactly 'quick' on the delivery front. Doomcifer - did you get yours yet?
JayKeeley said:
Heh, my 2 year old even does "devil hands", no lie. I taught her that, and now she does it all the time...."look daddy, devil" as she shows the horns: \m/


JayKeeley said:
P.S. I got the Nest CD today, cheers. So these demos are CD-Rs? I was really looking forward to a color inlay....

yeah, I was kinda disappointed too but that's what Tolonen sent me. *shrugs* oh well. I have to sell them at the price I made up otherwise I won't break even. If I could get away with selling them for cheaper I would.
Meshuggah's I is one of my favorite releases this year. I don't think Catch 33 will be out until next year though.
NicodemiX said:
yeah, I was kinda disappointed too but that's what Tolonen sent me. *shrugs* oh well. I have to sell them at the price I made up otherwise I won't break even. If I could get away with selling them for cheaper I would.
Oh yeah, don't get me wrong, it's a great deal, but the original artwork is so beautiful and it would be nice at least if they could scan as opposed to photocopy.......

Big Ass Bear is taking a dump in the woods, sees a bunny hopping by, and says: "Hey Mr. Bunny, do you ever have problems with shit sticking to your fur?"
Mr. Bunny says "Nope!"
So the bear picked up the bunny and wiped his ass with him HAR HAR HARHARHARHARHARHARHARHARHARHARHARHARHARHAR

One Inch Man said:
Big Ass Bear is taking a dump in the woods, sees a bunny hopping by, and says: "Hey Mr. Bunny, do you ever have problems with shit sticking to your fur?"
Mr. Bunny says "Nope!"
So the bear picked up the bunny and wiped his ass with him HAR HAR HARHARHARHARHARHARHARHARHARHARHARHARHARHAR

I love that fuckin joke
It never gets old!

Knew this guy once, this dude was an utter moron, his reaction to the joke was "how did the bear learn to talk?" Also he closely resembled a direct cross between Kurt Cobain and Baby Huey. You can't make this stuff up!