Terrorizer Top 40 of 2004

Nate The Great

What would Nathan do?
May 10, 2002
All I can tell you is that Mastodon's website is reporting that Mastodon 'Leviathan' is #1 for 2004.

Does anybody have the latest Terrorizer? It is the Black Metal Part 1 issue. It looks really interesting, but I doubt it is available in the US yet.

By the way, Terrorizer now has a secure ordering process for subscriptions at their site, BUT a US subscription for 11 issues per year is $101!!! I can buy each issue for $6.66 (assuming I travel about 2 hours from here to find it!).

If somebody wouldn't mind posting the Terrorizer list when you get it, I would be much interested.
It wouldn't be surprising . Still , from what they generally praise , they'd better pick Isis as #1.
Panopticon >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Leviathan

I'm sure both are vying for the top spot in Terrorizer. GO ISIS!
Isis - Panopticon is the best album of 2004(/all time) :p

Yeah fucking Japs , and Isis headlines!
Europe tour is with Jesu , at least in UK :loco:
Should've asked for some hookers and booze too, thus making the free subscription and email list but a small request. Same thing applies if you ever need to borrow $5 from a friend, ask for $20 first.

The added benefit being, of course, you might get the $20. Or hookers and booze.
One Inch Man said:
Panopticon >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Leviathan
i dont understand how this could be true when leviathan was my #1 album this year, and panopticon was #3. you must've typed em in backwards or something...

an isis/mastodon/converge show would rule more than words can say.
To quote a friend : Panopticon is the zenith of modern emotional music ; that is all.
I don't think the gap between the albums is that wide, though Leviathan was in the middle of my year end list while Panopticon was second. Live, things might work more in Mastodon's favor, those bonus tracks kill (where was the video, guys?)