Stockholm show - 21st September


Mar 23, 2004
Sydney, Australia
Having travelled all the way from Australia to Sweden to see Opeth play in their home town, I can now say that it was well worth it.
Of course I didn't just come here for Opeth, but have been doing the tourist thing all 'round Europe. I have to go home in 3 days and get back to work. :erk:

Anyway, I just emailed my mate back home and instead of re-typing my email here I will just do a cut and paste job.


The show was sold out and things were looking really grim
because we didn't have tickets. I went to the venue twice today to try to
get tix!
So we nearly gave up and were half way back to the station to come
back to the hostel and then Baz says maybe we should ask at the
door. Turns out there were about 20 ppl who didn't have tix and after
pressuring the door staff they let us in for only a little more than
the ticket price. :)

It seemed like a pretty special show for the band as it was their home town
and they had invited their friends and family along.. the whole
upstairs seemed to be reserved for them.
Michael even waved and said 'Hi mum' to his mum. She wasn't really
headbanging, but seemed to be pretty proud and was looking at everyone
worshipping her son and the rest of the band.
Everything Michael said was in Swedish and I didn't understand a
single bit, but from the sound of it he was pretty funny and was
getting along with the crowd really well.

Mendez is sick with 'a blood disorder' and 'anxiety attacks', so the
Bloodbath drummer filled in for him. I'd have to say he wasn't quite as good
as Mendez (he missed the double kicks at the end of Deliverance), but
he did a good job on the whole and I know both drummers have different
styles. I bet Mendez wouldn't be seem so right in Bloodbath either.

Speaking of other bands.. guess who I was standing next to?? KATATONIA!!!!!
Yep, they were standing in the crowd with the rest of us. Some chick
we were talking to knew the guitarist and was having a good ol' chat.
I was like 'who was that guy?' and she says 'the guitarist from
Katatonia' and I didn't really know what to say back. Pretty bad that I love the band, but canät recognise the members, eh?

So, setlist.. here goes from memory..

The Baying Of The Hounds
In My Time Of Need
To Rid The Disease
The Drapery Falls
Face of Melinda
The Grand Conjuration
Blackwater Park
Demon of the Fall

It was very awesome to hear When and TBOTH.. strangely, even The Grand
Conjuration was very awesome even though its probably one of my least
fav tracks on the album. It kicked serious a$$.


... end email with 'see you soon' etc..

Anyway, a good show - but perhaps I liked them at the Metro in Sydney a bit better. I will have to sleep on it.

I know I know!!
I was lying in bed last night and suddenly realised my mistake. How embarassing.
Funny thing is that I was talking to a chick who was saying that she always gets the Martins mixed up... :)

Anyway.. damn good show.
I was there too! And I was standing right next to his mother haha I even took a picture with her.. She was really proud and she was there for the whole show, she even headbanged a little bit.

Anyway great show, even though Micke claimed they were ill. He sings even better live than in studio.
His voice was kinda bad the first song or two. Had big troubles hitting those high notes, but after that it went perfectly. Great show except for the people in front of me talking bullshit for the entire Baying.
Hell yes it was awesome!

Like someone said though his voice was crap the first minutes, couldnt hear his growl that good the first part of Baying, which kinda sucked for me personally cause i think the best part of GR is 4:00-6:30 in Baying, the fat growling part there was kinda weak. :(
But then suddenly it was like someone turned on the mic and his growl punched us right in the face for the rest of the show, awesome! :headbang:

Mikael talked more than i expected. Some dialoges he had with us was really funny. Especially that part where we talked about the best suburbs of Stockholm etc and he lied about where he was from, he said something like "well i lied, cause i dont want you guys to come visit me". :lol:

Also the part about the movie "Strul" was hilarious... Some guy in the audience made a joke that made the guys laugh out loud on stage. Looked like they had a really good time.

"Blire nån andra vers elle?"
Hahah, klockrent!

According to Mike their previous gigs here hasnt been that successful so they were really happy that they sould out the place.

One of the best concerts i have been to, and you gotta love the way Mike handles the crowd. He simply owns!!!

I wonder what his mother thinks of the lyrics to GoP ? "Ghost of Mother!" I'd think it'd be a bit strange to sing that with your mom in the audiance!
Qth said:
Also the part about the movie "Strul" was hilarious... Some guy in the audience made a joke that made the guys laugh out loud on stage. Looked like they had a really good time.

"Blire nån andra vers elle?"
Hahah, klockrent!

Was this what the guy said that made the band laugh? 'Cause I didnt hear clearly what the guy said that made them laugh :p

And shame that I missed Katatonia if they were in the audience.
Didnt anyone see the old bassist he greeted? Nicko-something?

Anyways, awesome show. In Mikaels words, "Tack SOM FAN!!!"
Haha, Jaxe - were you that big australian guy? I was there with this energic girl who were asking people for tickets as they passed us, I was the long haired guy that stood next to her waving with some 100:- bills to show that I had the money!

2 minutes before we got in for the original price (250:) some guy payed 600:- for a ticket! Damn...

Anyway, I could only see half of the show - through half "To rid the disease" I got extreme backpains and I had to leave the show in a taxi (a bit ironic if looking at the title of the song - not that the lyrics are about my back thougt ;)) - sucks to be me... I had feelings of a slight pain down my back all day, but it blasted out extremely during this song! I'd kill to see the rest of the songs - but I could barely stand up straight.

I was a bit disapointed that I only got to third-semi second row - had some short chicks in front of me, so if I headbanged I'd knock them, but I did my best! Today my neck is stiff, though I only was there for half of the show. I think I saw 2 I know from class in the show too!

/Mr. Roth.
Khorde said:
Was this what the guy said that made the band laugh? 'Cause I didnt hear clearly what the guy said that made them laugh :p

And shame that I missed Katatonia if they were in the audience.
Didnt anyone see the old bassist he greeted? Nicko-something?

Anyways, awesome show. In Mikaels words, "Tack SOM FAN!!!"

Yeah thats the last quote he said that made them laugh, pretty damn funny with that strange dialect hehe. :p

Cool that the Katatonia guys was there, i love their music too but i wouldnt recognise them if i saw them. :Smug:

Please, can those who brought their digital cameras to the concert please upload the photos somewhere? :) Or at least email some to me at :)

Mr. Roth said:
Haha, Jaxe - were you that big australian guy? I was there with this energic girl who were asking people for tickets as they passed us, I was the long haired guy that stood next to her waving with some 100:- bills to show that I had the money!

Hey mate, yep that was me! How about that?!
Sorry to hear you had to leave.. at least we got in and you got to see some of the show.
Urkburk said:

Please, can those who brought their digital cameras to the concert please upload the photos somewhere? :) Or at least email some to me at :)




