Stockholm show - 21st September

Jaxe said:
Hey mate, yep that was me! How about that?!
Sorry to hear you had to leave.. at least we got in and you got to see some of the show.

Aye, indeed... If I had paid more than the original price I'd stay even if my back would crumble into dust!

And I guess another time... They sold out this time, so maybe they will do it again but at a bigger venue next time? The other bigger one's there are Lilla Arenan, Arenan, Hovet, Globen, Stadion...
Jaxe said:
Hey mate, yep that was me! How about that?!
Sorry to hear you had to leave.. at least we got in and you got to see some of the show.

Hi! I am the energetic person that was trying to persuade people to sell me their tickets! I ended up standing in the front, actually facing the security guy (seen in one of the photos above).

Not a bad ending to your trip huh? Since it was such a goooood concert! :)

Safe journey! And hopefully we'll meet again, maybe next time Opeth plays Stockholm!

Mind of Winter said:
The concert was awsome and Mikael was really funny. My neck still hurts after The grand conjuration and Demon of the fall. :loco:
Yeah. Tell me about it. Hehe. My neck is really, really sore today (didn't feel this bad yesterday). I couldn't resist doing some serious headbanging to Deliverance as well. I love that piece. :rock:
Hi Anna, thanks for the pics!
What a great show - I bet it was a special night for all the friends and family. I kind of feel privelaged to have been there (especially when I didn't have tickets in the first place!).

Hi Chris! I was the girl you were talking to! ha ha, I managed to catch my train and came home safe and sound:)
The gig was awsome, my neck still hurts! Especially TGC, it was killer!
Micke was really entretaining, I missed some of the jokes...but I could understand a good deal, so it was very very nice!
Greetings to the other people I talked to and who were hoping to get in without ticket! We finally managed and I was soooo happy!!!!!
En av de bästa jag varit på faktiskt.
Axenrot gjorde ett bra jobb tycker jag. Men jag saknade lopez.

Vet någon hur det står till med honom?

Hoppas han tillfrisknar snabbt...
Awesome pics Anna, I think we should add an 'Ask Anna' section to the forum. Devin Townsend has an ask Tracy one