ya, could be the driver just trying to cover his ass. Good luck bro, these things are always so frustrating.

Naw, he only said it was that guy when I asked "did the guy who signed for it open the door, or was he waiting on the porch?" Responded with something like "naw it was an older hispanic guy, I remember because he lived kitty corner to the sheriff station and it was my last stop of the day."

So we'll see. Officer I've been in contact with isn't on duty yet today, waiting to hear back from him.
I would make sure you have the full name of the driver who said it was delivered. Wouldn't be the first time I've heard of a driver using a typical stop on his route as the place to have stuff shipped and "delivered". It's at least worth documenting and checking out. Good luck bro.
This is terrible to hear, although I have to say I'm glad it didn't happen here in the Sneap forum, I think I can still say we're a clean community on the buying/trading thing so far, right?

ask Gavin about that one ;)

Sorry to hear about that Jeff ... I've been ripped off before too (2 guitars, my amp and 2 cabs ... fuckers broke into our rehearsal room) so I know how it feels. Hope it works out for you one way or the other
Öwen;9147087 said:
That wasnt a deal done directly through the Sneap board though, as much as someone on Ultimate Metal in general (who I think Gavin knew).

wasn't sure about that cause I thought I remembered Lasse banning the other dude at one point after several days of no response to PMs from Gavin

I might be remembering it wrong though
I would make sure you have the full name of the driver who said it was delivered. Wouldn't be the first time I've heard of a driver using a typical stop on his route as the place to have stuff shipped and "delivered". It's at least worth documenting and checking out. Good luck bro.

I have his name and cell number, he's been super cooperative and when I told him about the situation his response was "Oh man fuck that guy, I hate when people pull shit like this!" :lol:

The officer got in contact with him again, he still denies it, so he's having the driver come in to identify his picture tomorrow and do an official investigation/get a warrant and shit, just a waiting game now and letting the local authorities do what they can. The officer on the case has been a total BA, calling me at least once, more often 2-3 times a day and letting me know what he's done and where it's led. Guess he's got nothing better to do with 750 people in town.
I have his name and cell number, he's been super cooperative and when I told him about the situation his response was "Oh man fuck that guy, I hate when people pull shit like this!" :lol:

The officer got in contact with him again, he still denies it, so he's having the driver come in to identify his picture tomorrow and do an official investigation/get a warrant and shit, just a waiting game now and letting the local authorities do what they can. The officer on the case has been a total BA, calling me at least once, more often 2-3 times a day and letting me know what he's done and where it's led. Guess he's got nothing better to do with 750 people in town.

Shit, that sounds like you're actually going to get some results sooner or later! :headbang: Huge props to the FedEx driver and the officer. There are way too many people who just wouldn't give a fuck. A couple of my friends have been scammed and they never managed to get their money back. Damn near got scammed myself on a half stack deal when i was a bit younger. The guy only sent it after I mentioned I'm going to visit his town with a bunch of friends anyway so I might just as well come get the stack myself. Suddenly his back was ok, his car got fixed , etc. etc. :D
Mad props for your perseverance Jeff!:headbang:

Most people would have already given up by now and just accepted the loss.:erk:
Jeff - one other road you might think about taking. Did you contact HC brass to see if they can give you his IP address history? I'm not sure if they'll give that type of data up easily, but if you get it, I'm sure you could track that motherfucker down pretty easily.

I've been reading along the last couple of days and I'm pretty excited to find out whats going to happen. I'd say its really likely that you'll be posting the results here so I'll be checking back periodically.
Good luck, Jeff.