Very sad news Jeff.
But there is a thing I don't understand.... if you sent the guitar to that address and an old man liver there....how could he take the guitar? Did he stay for 3 days in front of that door, also if it's not his home, waiting UPS?
Got scammed out of a midi keyboard myself on adverts.ie. Sold a cello to a guy for 300 + a midi controller keyboard. Thing is he collected the cello himself and gave me the 300. He "forgot" the midi keyboard though and said he would send it on...needless to say i never heard from him again.

I was pissed about this, so needless to say you must be uber pissed. What a douchebag..
Major props to you for following through like you have Jeff, hopefully there is some higher justice and you'll get your guitar back! If somebody ever tries to trick me I'll be using this thread as reference :p
shit man, thats bad luck, hope you get it back :/
but that retard fucked with the wrong person I think haha
The officer on the case has been a total BA... Guess he's got nothing better to do with 750 people in town.

:D Your case is taking him from...



This thread is awesome. I'm so happy to hear that the police are actually giving a shit about your case and that the Fedex guy is on top of it and everything...To be honest I would've expected all of them to just not give a fuck and put in the bare minimum amount of effort required, so this really gives me some faith in people (well...except for the thief :bah:) Good luck man! Hope the bastard gets what he deserves, sounds like he will. I feel like I'm reading The Hardy Boy's and the mystery of the stolen M-I, the suspense is killing me

this had me in stitches!!!

But in all seriousness, i hope this gets sorted Jeff

one of my mates had his car broken into and his bass taken, an i know the question "wtf he left his bass in the car?!?" the answer is yes, for ten minutes (from like 8:30 to 8:40am) while he went back in the house to make a phone call... anyways he checked every pawn shop and gutiar shop in Newcastle. Luckily he found it...
Its probably the old guys son or family member and used him for cover. As I was reading this I kept hoping i would get to the part where they busted this dude and all ends well. Any way, good luck Jeff and I hope you get the guitar back or a refund some how.
I'm like 2 hours away from there. If I can help any let me know. Guy needs his kneecaps broke at the vey minimum.

jeez...need to post more....
Well, FedEx driver could not ID the guy who signed for the package as the guy who lived at the house, and we're still waiting on Harmony Central to give up an IP address.

At this point, I've pressed on with the FedEx claim, since I've shipped a package that was never received by the address on the box. I'll continue to monitor eBay/Craigslist/forums, but unless the IP address tells us something, that guy is long gone. :(
There's no Stephen Baker at the Holloman AFB - already checked that with them.

What that means though is if this guy does get caught he could also be charged with impersonating military personnel, which would be hilarious to nail him on.