I highly doubt this guy shipped it to an address of someone he didn't know. If anything he paid the guy to accept the package and he knows SOMETHING. You think the scammer was smart enough to sit around and wait all day for a Fed Ex guy to show up, then he comes walking off the street?

The Fed Ex guy may not be able to pick the old hispanic guy out of a line up but he did say it was an old Hispanic guy that signed for it..... so to me that says hes in on it. I say kick his fucking face in till he gives up the goods...... Then again I am an Italian from New York so that explains a lot of my logic. Every mother fucker is guilty until proven innocent or dead.
Jeff - sorry to hear about your situation and hope it gets resolved promptly. Sounds like it's a slow process, but at least it appears no one is sweeping it under the carpet just yet. I've been lucky enough to have never gotten scammed on an online transaction as of yet and I do quite a few. My only experience with stolen items was my car.

About 20 years ago I had my car stolen from my employers parking lot - my girlfriend at the time needed to borrow my car and came to my work place to get the keys. She came in, I gave them to her and she went out to the parking lot and came back a few minutes later asking me where I had parked it because it was not in my usual space. I went out and instead of my car in it's space, there was an old beat up Pontiac with it's driver side window smashed in and my car was nowhere to be seen. Called the cops and they came out to take my statements and such - seems someone had stolen the car that they left in my spot up the road in Massachusetts and driven it down to Connecticut till they were low on gas and then stole my car as a replacement. The police found my car about 90 miles down the road in New Haven, CT right of an exit ramp - seems they had to abandone that one as I had not filled up the tank that morning and they were too damned cheap to pump some gas in it. The police assume they stole another vehicle in the area and headed south to New York. I had a broken window and the column was all fucked up on my car where they jacked it. Insurance took care of the damage and I got it back in the end.

Hoping your situation turns out well in the end as mine did.
hey, just posted on your sevenstring.com thread ...... yeah I just got off the phone with the Airforce and had the same Zero results ........ when I called carrizozo they told me since this happened out of town on my end they couldn't do anything.... so reading your story has inspired some hope, hearing that your actually working with an officer down there ...... please keep me posted ..... and let the officer know that this guy is a repeat offender ... and I can fax him my UPS shipment receipt if it would help him .......

again my stolen guitar was a Gibson Gothic V

E-mail sent, maybe he slipped up in e-mails and left an IP address somewhere. At worst, we'll get your info to the officer in charge of the case (currently getting a grand jury subpoena in order for HC to give up his IP address), and maybe get some pictures of your item/his trade item that the officer could identify has having seen at the address in question.

Forgot to ask in the e-mail - any chance you had a signature required for the UPS delivery, and have a copy of it? FedEx hosts theirs online, not sure how UPS works.
