Stomp 442 appreciation thread!


Aug 13, 2011
Hey guys, who else here has some love for this album? I remember it was 1995 and the internet was just starting. It got some promotion thru the mags of the time I think Hot Metal was still around. My thoughs were that the guitar tones were at lot closer to the older sounds. Although the higher tempos were abandoned for this album, it nevertheless remained a heavy album. Standouts for me are Random Acts, Fueled, In a Zone, Drop the Ball and Tester. I agree from an earlier post that Grunt & Click should have made the album. Great song. It's very well known that some people dislike the album, so don't waist your time, this is an APRECIATION thread, not a "I hate Stomp" thread. Whilst you a fully entitled to your view, it's retarded if you feel the need to post here.
Stomp has really grown on me more and more over time. Some ripper songs on this one. Tester is the most underrated song on the whole album for me.

It's such a brutal album in parts. Always felt Nothing was a bit to similar to Only in sound but it's still a fantastic song.

Also American Pompeii. Epic.

Gonna go listen to it now :)
I remember buying this album the weekend after meeting my future wife. I had just gotten home from my Tour of Duty in Saudi Arabia and immediately picked this up and Belladonna's CD at the time. Also picked up a few others, including the Black Lodge Maxi Single.

I still love this album to this very day. It doesn't sound dated at all as far as im concerned. just one rocking track after another. Amongst all my friends they all associated Anthrax with me. That was Ian's band. I always had Anthrax playing back in the day. Wore out numerous tapes and discs. :D
Not my favorite album, but there are a few tracks on it I really like. Fueled, Nothing, Drop the Ball, and American Pompeii are all songs I enjoy. I wish Grunt & Click and Remember Tomorrow had been on the actual record though.
A crushing album, very aggresive, great production. Some of the songs are bit monotonous. And yes, Grunt & Click should have made it there.
I love Stomp!!!
I remember looking at that picture of a guy in front of the pile of crap and thinking: "Wow! There might be some philosophical meaning to this...". Was there?
But, regardless, Stomp never failed to give me some extra energy when I needed it.
Late P.S. And I don't think that "Bare" is a shitty song. It's a good song.
i liked stomp alot more than sown,they went back to basics and had some hard hitters,especially opening shows with random acts and then fueled,it was pretty hard to top that,also loved dimebag's input,i was a huge pantera fan and this was a great sweetener.
I like Stomp, but it gets kinda repetitive. There are songs I really like, but some of them don't really stand out that much to me. That said, Random Acts is one badass song! I also like Nothing a lot, which doesn't seem to be popular opinion but so what.
SD, Nothing is always one of my favorites as well. Also Perpetual Motion and Random Acts of Senseless Violence.

Nothing is just a bad ass song.
i liked stomp alot more than sown,they went back to basics and had some hard hitters,especially opening shows with random acts and then fueled,it was pretty hard to top that,also loved dimebag's input,i was a huge pantera fan and this was a great sweetener.

Yes! Anthrax played Anzac Day in Melbourne "96". I have the JJJ recording and put it onto CD. They only aired 45 mins of that show, but I was there. Random Acts and Fueled 1-2 punch opening the show, I think Caught in a Mosh was 3rd. What a start and the gig never let up. Some douche stole Bush's Mic before the last song, they nearly stopped and walked out. I've ofter thought we were punished tour wise after that for some reason as they didn't come back until the WCFYA/TGOTE Era. :(
Yes! Anthrax played Anzac Day in Melbourne "96". I have the JJJ recording and put it onto CD. They only aired 45 mins of that show, but I was there. Random Acts and Fueled 1-2 punch opening the show, I think Caught in a Mosh was 3rd. What a start and the gig never let up. Some douche stole Bush's Mic before the last song, they nearly stopped and walked out. I've ofter thought we were punished tour wise after that for some reason as they didn't come back until the WCFYA/TGOTE Era. :(

Oh yeah thats the live recording where Triple J got all the song titles wrong when they back announced it: Wired, One More Place At The Table, Welcome To Your Nightmare. I remember having a good laugh about this with Justin when i sent him a copy of that show.
Stomp grew on me slowly. I wasn't a big fan of it until probably 1999 when I gave the CD another shot, and fell in love. Tester is one of my favorite Anthrax songs, period; the brutalness is just epic. Perpetual Motion also has a great hook to it, along with King Size, Fueled, In A Zone, and RAOSV.

As for the art? I thought it was pretty cool. I know some fans weren't big that they didn't use the logo, but there was a reason. Storm Thorgerson album covers are done from the ground up; he doesn't work with pre-designed logos. See the cover he did for Dream Theater as an example.

Grunt & Click is right up there with Poison My Eyes in that it should have made the album.

The covers? The awesome thing about Anthrax at this time was the diversity of the cover songs they did, you could see their abilities in the range of tunes they did. Celebrated Summer is an awesome cover song, and was totally unexpected by me.
Hey guys, who else here has some love for this album? I remember it was 1995 and the internet was just starting. It got some promotion thru the mags of the time I think Hot Metal was still around. My thoughs were that the guitar tones were at lot closer to the older sounds. Although the higher tempos were abandoned for this album, it nevertheless remained a heavy album. Standouts for me are Random Acts, Fueled, In a Zone, Drop the Ball and Tester. I agree from an earlier post that Grunt & Click should have made the album. Great song. It's very well known that some people dislike the album, so don't waist your time, this is an APRECIATION thread, not a "I hate Stomp" thread. Whilst you a fully entitled to your view, it's retarded if you feel the need to post here.

It all went downhill for Anthrax after Stomp 442 came out. What was it about this album as to why it flopped so hard? Was it that it was a very different sounding record to SOWN and turned a lot of fans off, was it because of the heavy music scene at the time, was it lack of promotion from Elektra dropping them from the label just as the album came out and fans didnt know it was out or was it partly due to all of those reasons?

Anyway whatever it was, i still like Stomp and still listen to it. I like the energy in the production of it and still a good album to listen to when your walking.
Oh yeah thats the live recording where Triple J got all the song titles wrong when they back announced it: Wired, One More Place At The Table, Welcome To Your Nightmare. I remember having a good laugh about this with Justin when i sent him a copy of that show.

Hahahaha.............some bozo that didn't know anthrax was just picking out lyrics and naming the songs :lol:
It all went downhill for Anthrax after Stomp 442 came out. What was it about this album as to why it flopped so hard? Was it that it was a very different sounding record to SOWN and turned a lot of fans off, was it because of the heavy music scene at the time, was it lack of promotion from Elektra dropping them from the label just as the album came out and fans didnt know it was out or was it partly due to all of those reasons?

Anyway whatever it was, i still like Stomp and still listen to it. I like the energy in the production of it and still a good album to listen to when your walking.

i think because the leads were terrible, it needed better