Stop calling me a homo!

yea that's pretty damn funny, but I'm glad were not going out of control with this politics shit.................please no fuckin politics!!!!
This thread is great! Too bad the oricinal vid got taken down and I can't be arsed to look for another source. Myspace kid is great though! Not sure if he's as good as N64 kid, that kid was pretty positive with his weird rage outburst. I like positive people :)

As for that second vid, I watched about a minute of it and then got bored. I think it's interesting how they were making those kids say "I'll do what you tell me to do and say what you say me to say" or whatever. Assuming God does exist (I'm not a believer, but still), that means he created us with free will. Without that we're basically really advanced computers. Do you have any idea how excited a computer programmer would be if he managed to create a program that had real free will? I mean, AI is really good now, but it's still random numbers and formulas. Even the generation of random numbers via a computer has a formula of some sort. So I figure they're basically destroying one of God's most complex creations.
