Stop global warming!!!

GONE Ridin' Hood

Jul 8, 2005
Well, since most of the people that post here are from the US, and the US is the 2nd biggest polluter of the world; I would like to know what you guys do to stop global warming.

I recycle.
I plant trees.
I don't take much time in the shower.

What do you do to help the planet?

Bye! :headbang:
Operated the Exxon Valdez, but was fired for being too rad.
Take long showers.
Cut down trees.
Take huge dumps so that I have to flush it twice.
Throw my garbage in the recycling bin and my recyclables in the garbage can.
Spray aerosols frequently and as often as possible.
Dump paint into rivers.
And use energy efficient light bulbs.
FACT: Mars is also heating up and we don't drive cars there.

Remember there was an Ice Age and then it warmed up, then there was a Mini Ice Age just 500 years ago and it has been warming up ever since. The Industrial Revolution was not around during those periods.

Plus it is a good tax earner for governments
I try to only drive my Lincoln Navigator on the really long trips. I do recycle trash though and for me thats huge considering I have a fixewd trash pick up rate.
I eat Tuna safe tins of Dolphin. Does that help :)

Seriously this whole global warming stuff... don't believe the hype (completely). What Mickenglanduk said is spot on!

What do you do to help the planet?

I refuse to father children. Overpopulation is the biggest problem and contributor to pollution. If we all agreed to having less children, the world would be cleaner, we would use less natural resources, and it would be easier to control those who willingly pollute.

So, how many kids do you have?:erk:
I refuse to father children. Overpopulation is the biggest problem and contributor to pollution. If we all agreed to having less children, the world would be cleaner, we would use less natural resources, and it would be easier to control those who willingly pollute.

So, how many kids do you have?:erk:

Not having sex is why you don't have kids.:lol:
I think only intelligent, good looking people should have kids. However, that would cut North America's population by 85% in less than 20 years.
FACT: Mars is also heating up and we don't drive cars there.

Remember there was an Ice Age and then it warmed up, then there was a Mini Ice Age just 500 years ago and it has been warming up ever since. The Industrial Revolution was not around during those periods.

Plus it is a good tax earner for governments

Actually, the rate of planet warming is exponentially increasing at a rate unlike any of the other cyclical changes the planet has gone through.

I have no idea why people think it's just the government trying to scare us. Most reputable climate/atmospheric/geological scientists agree that the planet is warming up at a rate that is unnatural and that humans have something to do with it. And, guess what, most scientist aren't really pro-government. Especially when funding is being cut left and right.

It makes me sad that people are not taking this seriously.
Most reputable climate/atmospheric/geological scientists agree that the planet is warming up at a rate that is unnatural and that humans have something to do with it.

Scientists respond to Gore's warnings of climate catastrophe

Survey: Less Than Half of all Published Scientists Endorse Global Warming Theory

Analysis Finds Hundreds of Scientists Have Published Evidence Countering Man-Made Global Warming Fears

Global warming? It's natural, say experts

NASA Sees Arctic Ocean Circulation Do an About-Face

Weather Channel Founder: Global Warming ‘Greatest Scam in History’

now that the proof that most scientists aren't chicken little global warming zealots, heres a post just for fun

It makes me sad that people actually buy this "world in peril" crap and don't see the global warming debate for what it really is. A way for liberal elite globalists, to take more tax money away from you.
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Just because they are published, doesn't mean that they are reputable. Trust me. There are THOUSANDS of journals out there. I could easily submit one of my papers to some crap journal based out of some shack in Russia and get accepted immediately. Instead, we submit to reputable journals with stringent peer review. Surprisingly, there's a lot of crap that gets published. The studies are flawed, and their conclusions are leaps from the data.