Stop piracey with advertising ???


Jun 6, 2007
So to say that the music industry currently has a prblem with piracey is the understatement of the century and the way i see it its a battle they will never win, using current tactics considering the scale of the problem and how easy it is to dowload music illegaly.

To me it mirrors the drug trade the demand is there and the fact that it is ilegal seems to have no bearing (or very little) on demand. so why waste time and resources on a fight you are not going to win? why not change tactics?

The drugs trade aside (seperate debate) i think the music industry needs to take a new approach in distributing music and they need to do it for free (its the only way to beat piracey why would joe blogs pay for something he can get for free?) and still pay for artists, ect

My sugesstion would be that advertising pay the cost of free distrubution kind of like tv. There would be a site where you could download your music but for every album you download you would have to listen to an advertisement.

I would like to hear some opinions from you guys, would this work? are their any other suggestions of what to do? Your 2 cents are more than welcome
Even though this idea means well you'd be putting many Music Stores out of business. And there are some people that still like to have an original CD of their favorite artist.
Isnt this happening any way? But people could still go into shop and buy a cd with all the art work like you can now if they wanted or didnt have access to the internet.
So some people can buy the album in store and while others are downloading it legally for free?

I just don't think there is any proper solution that anyone can come up with That will solve this problem. The RIAA tried the money hungry/heartless tyrant way and people are still downloading. In South Africa we have a "team of geeks" (which seem to be the most successful method) that monitor your line for 6 months (even tho its illegal) and then nail you because they have enough info to fine the shit out of you...but...unless there are complaints to alert them, you can still download illegally.
I agree there has to be a huge change. I mean Cds have been the same price for 20 years almost. Remember when burners and cd-rs first came out and how much they cost? What about now? Significantly cheaper. Getting a good sounding cd has become less expensive too.

I prefer a physical medium but I listen to mp3s alot on my computer/mp3 player. It's hard to tell whats going to happen.
I was downloading music heavily not so long time ago.
Reading few subjects around here made me think. Also when I realised how a pain in the ass it was to produced a record... And the beauty of a great sound. And also the words of James Murhpy : How can we take down an industry in which we want to make a career ?

Today I made an experience, I downloaded a whole album of a band, took a listen. I liked it and I went to buy it.
Actually, it just happened few minutes ago. I am back from the store, the reason I am reacting to the subject. I wanted to share the idea, maybe I can change the mind of few hard-downloaders.

The problem for me is also to find the records I want to buy. Since not so long ago, there were no store in town where I could order the specific cd's I wanted to buy. Having no credit card, it was impossible to shop online. I am a country guy basically, and sometimes finding the cds I want is not so easy.

But not an excuse good enough !! ;)
yeah actually i think if they lower the cost of CD's/albums (which i don't think will happen) then the music industry might get some more customers

Kid likes AILD, kid goes to store to check out new album costs 25 euros (Ireland) Kid has limited / no income kid has I pod kid goes home downloads album for free thats what happens 9 ot of 10 times maybe if the price was reduced more people would buy in the shop rather than download for free but i think most young people dont care for cd's or paying for music.

So i think the industry needs to find a way to distribute for free online and of course the big players ( HMV, virgin ect) will continue to supply cds on the high streets for those that want them will this affect some shops? YES it will but its happening anyway as people are not buying because of piracey.
the internet eliminated the need for any physical medium for the "art" (let's call it that) to be housed on. things like the ipod don't help either because it gets smaller and smaller and more compact. who the hell actually carries around a cd discman? i haven't seen one since like 5 years ago.

point is the industry has to realize that the internet is the true future as everything in the world is getting smaller and faster and closer. the electronic snowball effect which started in the 50's (relatively) as a snowflake has not built up into like a 300 lb giant snowball and is moving faster and faster by the second. it's no slowing down either so creating another medium is not needed, the other medium is there in the form of the internet and "files" another thing to keep in mind is that people are getting much stupider, growing less of an attention span, and growing less caring about details.

only a few people most likely like classical, opera, jazz, specialized music, audiophiles will actually have a conscious desire to buy CDs. the kids that are being raised now are so stupid it's not even funny. and hey im only 23 and i see it. they have no attention span and have a serious "instant gratification" problem where they are used to on demand everythign from tv, to music, to cellphones with tv on it and music on it its crazy. the fact that a mainstream song only stays popular for a couple of weeks even shows you this.

not to roll off two threads but in a thread i posted from a ahilw ago about the leaked chimaira album i still think a good solution for this, or rather something that will help, not a full blown solution is to just produce better quality music.
I would never want something like that. That's like placing some McDonalds curtains over a Rembrandt. On a sidenote, why are people so eager to solve things with advertising? I hate advertising, and what I hate even more is that companies know even more about me than the government.

But that's not to say it's a bad solution. Giving stuff for free can be quite profitable.

Here's an interesting read about Radiohead's recent "free" album:
I would never want something like that. That's like placing some McDonalds curtains over a Rembrandt. On a sidenote, why are people so eager to solve things with advertising? I hate advertising, and what I hate even more is that companies know even more about me than the government.

But that's not to say it's a bad solution. Giving stuff for free can be quite profitable.

Here's an interesting read about Radiohead's recent "free" album:

Its the only way i could think of where everyone wins the industry wins because they get a fee for every track or album downloaded the people win because they get free legal music at their fingertips the down side is that you would have to listen to some ad when downloading and their could be excessive advertising if not controlled or if record companys were greedy. but for most people thats better than paying 20+ euros for a cd and its also better than breaking the law. Hey maybe i should set up a site like that see if it catches on something like the yahoo launch cast system only where you can download your music instead of stream.
I have another solution. Why not educate the group of people around you? Especially those of you who are engineers-- your clients and friends who respect you will care about your opinion. Show them the value of owning CDs. Show them how much better they sound compared to CDs. Of course it will be pure hypocrisy if it is coming from someone whose full CD collection is nothing but CDRs and illegal mp3s. I have clients that will sometimes ask me to burn them a CD. About 2 months ago, I did a complete 180 concerning my views on piracy.

I don't burn CDs for friends anymore. I've explained to most of them that it's probably not too smart for me to be an engineer and a pirate. At Best Buy, almost every CD is $10-$15. If someone can afford to record with me, they can afford $10. IMO, with this industry being the way it is FLOODED with audio angineers, if we all did this and took a stand, maybe we can make a difference or at least show a handful of people that IT'S PEOPLE LIKE US whose lives are affected when they pirate music. In reality, it might only make a tiny difference, but at least I'll know I'm doing the right thing.
the thing is, people won't stop downloading music. we can't expect that.
what "actofvengence" is trying to do is to find a real solution, thinking worldwide.

and i totally agree with Dave, it's very(!!) important to "educate" the group of people around you, but that's not going to solve the problem.

really makes me mad seeing engineers and musicians who support this kind of stuff, like James said "How can we take down an industry in which we want to make a career?"
Something needs to happen to stop people from downloading or sharing illegal music, movies and software.

It should be enforced just as strongly as Child Porn.

They need a DATELINE special cracking down on Music Downloaders like they do with Child Predators then maybe it will put some fear into people and start setting things back the way they should be.


I dont think so.

It costs the band money to put an album out. It cost a company money to program and manufacture a software product. I dont think movies are such a big problem right now.

But it takes away from everything that becoming a successful Entrepreneur is about.

It's protecting your opportunities to create success through music or media.

I know, lets take all of the money away from JK Rowling because we should have had audio books for free!

And Free MPEG's of Harry Potter Movies!


Thats my 2 cents.
Had a 600 cd collection. Half of it were copied cd-rs from original versions. Six months ago threw the copied away. Now i have a smaller collection but more free shelf space and a clean conscience :)
People are enforcing it here (Germany).
While I agree that everyone should (legally) buy the albums they like and listen to I think it's the wrong way to "enforce" anything on anyone.
That's where dictatorship stars, that's where big brother is watching you all the time.
Besides, it doesn't really help. There's like hundreds of people who get busted each and every month who down/up-loaded stuff illegally.
While the industry gets a tiny bit of the money back (if at all) it doesn't stop the masses from downloading.
And that with aggressive ads and clips in TV/Print/Cinema/Radio etc. that the law chases everyone who infringes copyrights...
IMHO, there's no short-term solution. People have to be educated the loooonng way. Parents/School/Social surrounding...
People don't care, no matter what topic it is. They have to learn to care for others and not just for themselves but that's Utopia.
Something needs to happen to stop people from downloading or sharing illegal music, movies and software.
Great if you could do this but in reality this just is not going to happen. If you come down real hard on people in the states will this stop people in russia or australia or wherever from downloading i dont think so they probaly wont even hear about it. I dont even think it would have much effect in the origin country for that matter. And anyway we shouldent be looking towards punishment and restriction as a solution we should be a little bit more progressive thinking than that.
Not sure how that solves the problem. Once you watch the ad, then download the you have it and can distribute it to anyone at will.