Stop piracey with advertising ???

And anyway we shouldent be looking towards punishment and restriction as a solution we should be a little bit more progressive thinking than that.

I agree.

I don't enjoy seeing people get fined or arrested when they never had any intentions to turn around and profit off of someone elses product.

I dont see how else to work it unless our Computers, Car Stereos, IPODs, Boombox's and TVs start using ILOK Licenses to be able to playback any form of music.
Not sure how that solves the problem. Once you watch the ad, then download the you have it and can distribute it to anyone at will.

Ah, but then you can finally say: "go get it yourself. I didn't watch all those stupid commercials just to GIVE them to you. Here's the link." :heh:
I'm not for illeagal downloading but the inudstry needs to catch the fuck up.

I want a CD and for the most part my tastes can't be found in most stores in the area. Okay I go online and have to buy a mp.3 that some asshole company has put DRM encoding on for 0.99 a song? Fuck that, for one no matter how they are encoded mp.3s are never going to sound as good as 16bit .wav or .aiff files and that WHAT I WANT. I don't care how they come, download, bought CD doesn't matter (owning the physical product doesn't matter AT ALL to me).

So because the industry wont catch the fuck up I have to drive an hour to get anything worth a shit and overpay for it as well.

Seriously it doesn't shock me when people download. It also doesn't shock me that illeagal downloading is more rampant than it's ever been, the number are not going down only up.
i couldn't even bear to read this whole thread.. the notion that the internet and mp3's are, in your minds (because that's what concerns me the most: that people who post here would think this was a cool idea), going to to take over and kill physical media makes me want to vomit. to be forced to only be able to listen to Mp3's and not have a full res hard copy on CD with nice packaging makes me feel violently ill. anyone inerested in audio production should be looking to not only protect industry jobs... which will go bye bye... but to protect and preserve the quality of music fidelity.

this same thread has popped up 10 times in the past year.. seriously... it's getting old. music cannot be free.. it will not work.. costs too much to make a good album.. period... not going to debate it with you... thieves will steal and they will have second rate "non-product"... honest people that care about audio will buy CD's.... this will continue for some time.

i've said it before and i'll say it again.. the day i can no longer buy new albums on full res CD's or similar media, with real packaging.. is the day i quit bying or listening to new music ... i'll troll old vinyl and CD shops for used product.... fuck mp3's , fuck piracy... and if you are so sure your idea of such an "advertising paid" business model will work... letsl see you draw it up.. in detail.... where the recording budgets, marketing budgets, and tour money will come from... do your research.. and post it... i mean be exact and thorough.. otherwise, cut it with this nonsense.

i can see it now... engineers not even bothering much with, say... the overheads... because , "hey, it's only going to be a 192kbps mp3 anyway, fuck it." ... well fuck that concept square in the ass and that's where all this is going.

10 threads on the same damned subject in one year is getting ridiculous.. use the search function.

How about we use this forum to discuss ways to become better engineers, instead of allowing it to sink to the level and mentality of a bit-torrent blogger site?
and if you are so sure your idea of such an "advertising paid" business model will work... letsl see you draw it up.. in detail.... where the recording budgets, marketing budgets, and tour money will come from... do your research.. and post it... i mean be exact and thorough.. otherwise, cut it with this nonsense.
Actualy i was thinking of setting up a site where i agree a fee per track with whatever record company an artist is with and then approach interested companys to pay this cost in exchange their ad would be played on every download the idea being they would want to pay for this because of such a large audience in theory at least as i am assuming a large number of people would download from a site offereing free music. And if not the advertisers are only paying when music is downloaded and people are listening to their ad maybe this is not feasable i dont know yet il check it out.
One can present a strong theory without knowing all the specifics of how to enact it; I think you've got a good idea there Vengeance, and shouldn't be criticized for trying to make the best out of a pretty dismal situation.
anyone who thinks a system that involves a future of only mp3's to listen to ever again... especially if that person calls themselves an "engineer", is whacked. if you call that "making the best" then you're wrong.. first of all, the record companies are not about to collapse. it's not imminent... let's convene here in 5 years and see. and once again, all this has been covered in recent threads.
Illegal downloading is stealing no matter how much someone tries to justify it. It is stealing and you are a lowlife to me if you do it. plain and simple I'm sure someone will try to justify it though. I highly respected member here once tried to justify it to me that he is helping the crusade against musci companies. Why dont you try to help the crusade against something positive like world hunger, ridding disease or something. He said it was his job as a consumer to hurt the big record companies so they will change their business practice. What a load of crap. Stealing is the not the answer. That makes you unlawful. it is not your job as a consumer to steal something because you dont like the way the company you would normally buy from is doing business. Your job as a consumer is to purchase goods and services and to only intervene if they are harming you or the enviroment. Try stealing a shirt from Macy's because they sell fur and see how far that gets you. People will try to justify stealing music to the end. It is wrong no matter which way you try to spin it. I for one hope they come up with a way people cant steal anymore and the entire idea goes away so people can stop talking about it. I know it wont happen though. hopefully someone will come up wiht a decent plan soon that works for everyone. I know that is naive but something has to happen. People stealing is only harming everyone, not just the record execs. People used to be able to make a decent living being a musician but thieves have made it more difficult for all.
It's the sake of convenience to some degree as well. Most people would rather just play a song/album on demand by clicking on iTunes, rather than perusing through a massive CD rack, then taking the time to put one in. Things seem to be rapidly centralizing around PCs.. they're home media centers, work tools, gaming tools... who knows, they may even phase out the venerable stereo.

But yeah, I'd really dig a system with full quality sound files online. Would forego the trouble of having to rip CDs to listen or reference conveniently. I don't think the current line/bandwidth infrastructure of the net would accommodate something like that though. In the future, who knows what will come.
Why is nobody mentioning ordering stuff online? I buy literally EVERYTHING online, including tangible CD's (fuck browsing through my "local" FYE 40 minutes away)
Why is nobody mentioning ordering stuff online? I buy literally EVERYTHING online, including tangible CD's (fuck browsing through my "local" FYE 40 minutes away)


And a tip for everyone who didn't know that already:
Amazon Marketplace is great for finding rare jewels and/or old releases.
I spend around $50 there alone each month and can get away with 6-8 albums every time. Most are used though but in excellent condition (most of the time). I can highly recommend it.
That brings up another point, though; isn't buying used CD's just as bad, because the only person who sees a penny from it is the person selling and amazon/ebay/whatever's cut?
@Metaltastic: Not really, i see it as all three parties benefiting. The guy that wants to sell it gets his money back, the guy thats pays him gets a CD and a cheaper price and the band never lost any money by the guy/girl downloading it for free.

It's a win-win-win situation lol
Wait, but that doesn't make any sense, cuz it's not like the act of downloading takes money from artists, it's that when people download, they don't buy a new CD, and thus it's the same with a used CD (this is only from the perspective of the artist/label/whatever)
You guys miss the point.

I want my music NOW THIS SECOND.

I want it at FULL BANDWITH.

I also wouldn't mind being treated LIKE AN HONEST CUSTOMER (refering to my beef with DRM encoded songs from itunes).

I have verizon fios so downloading a disc at full quality (6-700mb) would take maybe 10 minitues if the server was fast enough.
Wait, but that doesn't make any sense, cuz it's not like the act of downloading takes money from artists, it's that when people download, they don't buy a new CD, and thus it's the same with a used CD (this is only from the perspective of the artist/label/whatever)
