Stop worrying, there is a new label.

Mr. Wu

May 7, 2002
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I heard it was the band's decision to not go with a label that has no money to promote the record. They'd been through that with Ignition & Beyond. Another label has jumped right in, and supposedly the deal will be done right away and there won't be much more of a delay. That's all I know.
Mr. Wu, in your devine wisdom (sarcasm mode OFF), when will the Thrax camp make it "public" as to whom they've signed with and if it'll hold up the release of WCFYA? Will the rest of we Society members be privy to this information before it goes public or is this "need to know basis" information until things are inked?
O ye of little faith...

The band will have a new label - we're talking about Anthrax here, not your local underground death-polka-funk-thrashy jazz ensemble...

I know that it's been almost 5 years now but as the saying goes, good things come to those who wait... and both us and the band have waited long now.

Keep the faith, to cite a hairybreasted NJ musician...

Jono, I'll give it a week before they "announce" Anthrax has a new label and it'll also push back the release date! I think they make up a lot of shit as well as taking tiny parts of truth and making it into some Hard Copy type of "headline".
MR. Wu is a VERY influential and wealthy individual that has many means to acquire information legal and otherwise.
it will be intersting to see if the record gets pushed back any longer?

i cant believe they are still having trouble

its not like they have had no time to sort out there shit

where is the management in all of this

a very concerend anthrax fan

naxt thing u know they wont even have the rights to the damn record

a very drunk anthrax fan
Yeah this is hard to believe, man. But, lets look on the bright side, better they have a chance to sort through this shit now rather than have a label fuck them over once the record is released.

I do not understand why Nuclear Blast couldn't support the record in the USA as well as Europe???