Story behind V


Erunér - One of The Seven
Jul 19, 2003
Sometime ago my friend asked me about the story of this album and I remembered that in the old design of the Oficial Site has this story...
So I've asked the Webmistress (Lisa) and she told me that still there and told me the URL, now, another friend asked me about the same thing so I'll post it here cause I like it very much and for you who not saw it before!

(sorry about english) :ill:

V: The New Mythology Suite
The Story Behind

Based on legends of Atlantis, ancient Egyptian mythology, Astrology and Edgar Cayce's clairvoyant readings about Atlantean culture.
From Cayce's perspective, much of modern day is simply the rediscovering of knowledge and information possessed by the Atlantean culture. The good, as well as the Evil.

At the beginning of time, there was an evolution of material beings from a drifting cosmic intelligence that arrived to this planet. Highly advanced, and able to physically project itself into this material world. It colonized and created the civilization of Atlantis (the islands of Poseidia, Og and Aryan). And they were the "Sons of the Law of One", the keepers of truth, technologically advanced beings. (using Crystal-based energy). The first of the Atlanteans was Ptah-Khnemu (translated from Egyptian as "Creator"-"Projector/Enricher"). The high priest of the Temple of Ra, and ruler of the Atlantean civilization.

Quite impressed by their own ability to take physically form, the idea of creating entirely new beings would be an even greater display of their power, but in attempting to merge their energies, something went wrong and the newly made beings were disfigured, and there were altered beings with wings, hooved legs and tails - part human, part beast. This disrupted the "natural" evolution of the beings and they became divided. The first creature was spawned from the energies of Ptah-Khnemu - using the Magic of Five. This creation becomes his alter-ego - his dark side - the half-human/serpent creature Montu-Sekhment translated from Egyptian as God of War - Goddess of Destruction... [having both female and male qualities]).
Montu-Sekhmet and the other creatures are banished from the great cities of Atlantis to live in the swamplands where their numbers will grow and they will eventually rise up against the "Sons of the Law of One". And they will be The Children of Belial.

Realizing that there is conflict, the people of the Law of One look to the sky for a messenger of peace. A bringer of Balance - the child Ma'at (Ma'at translated from Egyptian means "Truth" or "The Goddess of Order & Truth").
And so she is delivered to them - to teach a new order of Equality, hopefully able to bring about peace by her divine powers and wisdom.

Nevertheless, the Children of Belial knew there would never be true balance, nor were they interested in the spiritual ways of the Law of One. So, Montu-Sekhmet gathered his legions of beasts and plotted the destruction of all those of the Law of One as well as the child Ma'at.
Foreseeing that there would be a confrontation, people of Atlantis called upon the power of the Great Crystals to provide the energy for a supreme weapon, a weapon that could forever rid them of their dark counterparts. Unfortunately, the power of this weapon would be so immense, that it would shake the earth they stood on and destroy all they had created. And as Atlantis sank into the sea, the child was given to the waves and carried across the sea to find a new land and a new hope.

Ma'at arrives at the shores of Alnantees (Egypt), where she is discovered by the inhabitants of the area and is brought before their king (RaTa).
As they realize her powers, she is hailed as a 'prophet'. Her writings and words are forever hidden deep within a sacred book (hopefully, for a future civilization to find and learn the Ways of Balance.) Still in search of the child, we see the arrival of Montu-Sekhmet, shortly followed by Ptah-Khnemu.
Summoning an army of the un-dead from Set-Amentet - (the mountains of the underworld, the undead), Montu-Sekhmet lays waste to the city and captures the child. With the child in his grasp, Montu-Sekhmet grows stronger, taking the energies from Ma'at, the Magic of Five giving power to the Dark Side.
Ptah-Khnemu arrives, and a battle between the forces of Dark and the Light begins. - but in an act to prevent the shifting of balance, Montu-Sekhmet kills the child, now with the power aligned in his favour, there is nothing Ptah-Khnemu can do.

With Montu-Sekhmet having possession of the ultimate power of Five, he is undefeatable. Balance is lost and this will forever have an impact on the future. As we move through time, we realize all the evils of the world.
Understanding that the balance was altered long ago from the ways of Montu-Sekhmet and his actions. And this forever effected every civilization and every generation of mankind, being that darkness is the stronger force.
(Comparisons to modern day events, etc.).

But ther is hope... Ma'at's words remembered, "when five align, seek the hidden word, a message locked in time."...meaning: a time will come when balance can be regained. Ma'at spoke of an alignment of five planets, and this would open a portal to another dimension, where the two forces of Good and Evil would again be equal, to battle until the end of time. And the beings on this Earthen plane could bring about their own balance seeking out the words of Ma'at and understanding her hidden rhyme. And on that Eve of Alignment, Ptah-Khnemu and Montu-Sekhmet are thrust into the void, to do battle on a higher dimensional plane, leaving us to start over and rediscover the truths of our own past - leaving the final outcome up to us.
Can we change?

ive seen this on the web site before they changed it and always looked at it when i didnt understand a song completely. Then they changed it and i was all bumed out and shit.
yeet_SAY_jama said:

ive seen this on the web site before they changed it and always looked at it when i didnt understand a song completely. Then they changed it and i was all bumed out and shit.

That is the reason that made me to post that here!
I just heard V for the first time the whole way through. I much prefer it to Odyssey at this point, I think.

What I'm curious about is (assuming this has not been discussed) if there is potentially a different application of the myth...something pertaining to our modern society.

Sometimes it seems to me that we human beings are trying to set ourselves up as deity the more that we master "knowledge and technology", and we actually risk causing problems that way, as we start to gain power over biological life and death (I'm reminded of these beings' creations). I'm not anti-technology, of course, but what I'm suggesting is that we are prone to self-worship as our power increases. That, I think, can only backfire on us.

I'm sorry I've not articulated this well, but maybe someone will understand what I mean and be able to help me express this.
At Jason Rullo's drum clinic last summer, he mentioned that the concept also sort of told the story of their band's history, if i remember it correctly.
Pretty interesting. One thing I like about concepts of this nature is that you can interpret them a lot of different ways...and I think there can be multiple "correct" answers.

Something to add to my original ramblings...

Another reason occurred to me why this "New Mythology" could also be a "Human Mythology"--that is, us trying to set ourselves up as deity in a way. I was intrigued by the lyric that says this intelligence (whatever it was) would "offer its creations no souls", to paraphrase. If you think about it, this is quite true of human attempts at creating life. Any life that we create (through ordinary reproduction, through breeding, and now through cloning) is life created from other life. We cannot create life from nothing, or put that spark in it that distinguishes a living thing from a mass of chemical reactions. We cannot create a soul...even our own, while we help form it, pre-exists our ability to consciously do so. I know that there are a lot of different beliefs here, but I think all will agree that the spontaneous creation of life and soul is beyond us. This intelligence in V--however powerful it is--seems to be under a similar limitation, hence its attempts to take physical form and create life go wrong.
The story of Atlantis is an interesting one because in this 'mythology' I think there's alot of relevence for how our own society is heading. You see stories everywhere now about the wacky things scientists are doing with cloning, for eg one of the many many pages I pulled up on the subject:

it really seems like we are making these same mistakes. As our 'civilization' (or lack thereof) increases, scientists discover even more ways to warp genetics to create animals which they see as superior. As morality dies, they have less and less holding them back from whats 'right' to experiment on, and whats 'wrong'.

Human nature is a destructive force, so it's not so far fetched that we may end up destroying ourselves with this (if we dont destroy ourselves through some other means first, of which there are many)

So yes, I think about those things too..

on further note.. man my old posts are pretty dorky to read again.
urinalcakemix said:
Then I realized that this thread is a YEAR OLD... WHY THE HELL DO YOU PEOPLE RESSURECT OLD THREADS!!?!?!?!?!

I'll tell you exactly why.

I have been to so many forums where people have chewed me out for "not using the search function" and starting new threads on subjects where there have already been discussions. That was what I was hoping to AVOID by doing this.

Not only that, but this way people can easily reference prior material in deciding what they think of my ideas.

SilentRealm--I read that page you just posted, and again I'm reminded of V's lyrics...specifically of those creatures the intelligence tried to create, that came out disfigured.