

Hit man for the Order
Dec 5, 2002
Kent State University
Okay... guys, lets work together... This thread is going to be nuts. I am going to begin telling a story on the thread...anyone may reply and add to the story. The next person reads the story, and then adds on to that one to continue it. After a while, I will join in and end the story, and we'll see just how it turns out!!! It can be about anything... It doesn't need a theme. Have fun, you guys!!! Hmmm, let's start it like this:

Melvin the clown had a bad day at work. The circus freaks kicked him in his over-sized britches until he could not take it any more. He ran away, and then cried himself to sleep in a nearby forest. He slept for a long time. When he woke up, ...
..he was surrounded by tiny people, all poking at him with their swords (which felt to him like toothpicks, being that they were tiny people with tiny swords). He sat up, causing them to scatter in fear, at which point....
...Hammerfall came out of the forest, playing a searing rendition of "Riders of the Storm". Seeing the tiny people flee in terror put a gleeful smile on singer Joacim Cans` face as he pulled out a copy of "Crimson Glory" and...
Rhapsody jumped out of the forest. Luca Turilli looked at Melvin and said "YOU HAVE ENTERED THE MIGHTY REALM OF THE LEGENDARY DRAGONLORD!! TRUE BROTHER OF METAL AND STEEL UNITE AND WE SHALL FEAST UPON THE FINEST MEAD AND THE MOST BUXOM OF WENCHES!!" This caused Melvin to run screaming from the two bands through the dark forest. When he came out on the other side he saw...
the strangest carnival tents he ever seen. They looked like big, round spheres. They were the colour of gold. He couldn't believe his eyes. He couldn't stop staring at the large orbs that lay there quietly, shining in the watery moonlight. When he got a little closer he heard...
...something crashing through the forest. As he turned, his mind the very embodiment of terror, he witnessed Hammerfall and Rhapsody running towards him, swords drawn, shouting "DEFILER!!!!". Melvin continued to run towards the tents
But to no avail. The Power Metal bandmembers cut at his body with all of their might, and Melvin soon succumbed to his body wounds. Laying in a pool of his own blood and strewn body parts, Melvin's soule ascended into the heavenly abyss above. When he arrived at the gates...
...he found himself surrounded by a group of angels, all of whom quickly retreated at the sight of him, being afraid of clowns. But then someone dressed in leather and bearing tattoos on both his arms came towards him. Melvin told his story, and the stranger turned out to be a black metal fan who was also killed by the rabid power metallers. Together they decided to...
...raise an army of death/black metal listeners, so that they could take on the army of power metallers. The Power Metallers learned of the feindish plan, and teamed up with Prog Metallers, while the Death/Black Metallers sided with the Melo-Death and Thrash Metallers. The two armies built up their forces, then made plans to go to war with each other...
Then Melvin, realizing the error of his ways, turned on his Tru Black Metal ally. He used his magic clown powers, that he did not think of using against the little people or the power metallers, which turned Leslie (the black metal guy) into a flavored condom. When Jeebus saw Melvin's good deeds, he sent him back to earth in a bigger better new ascended form - The Mega Ass Clown who can control hot wind. He intervened between the two armies waging war and ......
shouted: 'Hark the Armies of Darkness!! I am the Great Reliever of Pain! I am the Conceiver! the Believer! the True Bringer of Rain!! Now Bow...Bow...Bow to your new Master! Bow to the True Messenger Inane! Upon hearing this the Armies turned. Seeing Melvin, they....
ignored the clown and started the war! Proggers/powers won out of superior intelligenga (like in music) They stood in front of a cliff face and when all the br00tal metallers charged at 'em they just stepped aside. Then the others fell down the cliff and experianced something that was always described in their musics lyrics. Then the king of the prog/power clan came galloping on a horse with a mask on. When he removed the mask they found that it was........
...the great master Michael Romeo! The prog/power metallers bowed in his prescence, and hailed his glory. "Now that we are victorious," the king began, "We must return to the castle!" And so they rode in triumph to their kingdom. Upon returning, King Romeo wanted to have a victory feast, but found Melvin sitting in his throne...
King Romeo screamed out, "What is this blasphemy!?", and a power metaller beside him pulled out a big book of Prog/Power rules, and recited, "If a clown descended from heaven sits on the king's throne, then the two must have a guitar soloing battle, and the winner keeps the throne. So, King Romeo pulled out his ESP, while Melvin took out his Ibanez. Amps were set up, and the two battlers were moved to a giant colloseum...
....and put their straps on. First, Romeo splurted out the crowd favourite solo in Of Sins and Shadows even faster than recorded. Melvin then played happy Birthday. Romeo laughed at his pitty and played a Fminor7b5 sweep lick across the whole fretboard starting at the first fret-low E string and ending up making a semitone bend up from the 24th fret high E string with a pinched harmonic! The clown Melvin stared at the sky with a grin and played....

Posted by The Metal chick
...the great master Michael Romeo!

I was 100% sure someone was gonna say him. I was about to but I thought that would be a good cut-off piont.
..."Pirates of the Carribean." 'Wha?' Michael Romeo said. He then grabbed Melvin's guitar out of his hand, and revealed that it was not actually an Ibanez, but a child's play key-board in disguise. All Melvin did was hit the demo key! The entire crowd of majestic metallers and King Romeo burst forth with laughter. The halls filled with laughter.
"They're laughing at me!" Melvin said through frustrated tears in his eyes. Suddenly, he let forth a roar, pulled out his magic clown-wand (which somehow resembled a dildo with Timo Tolki's head on the tip) and...
...turned Michael Romeo into a little leprechaun, complete with a silly hat. "You have given me a silly hat!!!!!!!!!", Romeo exclaimed...
and Melvin who had grown in size from his power smashed king Romeo (omg I can't believe i just killed MJR) The prog/power metallers screamed in agony and terror. The kings top knight Sir Russell Allen (sorry i couldn't resist) pulled out his mighty sword and said "If you can't fight musically you must fight me to the death!" Melvin...
...pulled out a giant balloon, and began to blow a huge amount of air into it. He then began shaping the balloon into a very large poodle shape. The balloon magically turned into a giant and very ferocious poodle, which barked wildly and began to charge at Sir Russell. Sir Russell braces himself, and with sword in hand, he...
...RUNS FOR HIS LIFE!!!!!! So much for the glory if you're gonna get eaten by a giant blow-up poodle! Anyway, power/prog team chickens out and runs away like the little sissies they are.
As hopeless as it may seem, there is still one man who can save the world from this blasphemy...