Any Writers Among Us?

Wow those were really great lyrics man. You two are really good at that stuff. As for losing things, I never lost any complete works of mine, but I have had my computer crash in the middle of writing something and I've lost paragraphs that kicked ass and I couldn't remember them well enough to rewrite them exactly. The other day I lost a paragraph because I was dumb and deleted it accidently. Oh well. If any of you ever want to read something of mine, even though it all sucks, you can visit the links in my sig.
Creative writing: last month I participated in my third Nanowrimo, an event in which you try to write a 50,000 word novel in 30 days. I finished it in 25 days, but struggled through the last third after losing all interest in the story...
Metal Chick, I like this thread a lot. I love to write, especially editorials. I write for my school paper as an Opinions editor. Also, I occasionally write poetry. As of late, I have enjoyed many really goofy limericks. Really crazy, dark, goofy limericks. I'll keep you guys posted, I don't remember any off the top of my head. When I find the papers with the limericks, I'll post some.
hey metalchick,

i'm a songwriter, and have done some screenwriting in my past, as well as some editing.

here's a little lyrical excerpt from a song... needless to say, i'm into sci-fi

Reaction to a new reality
We're programmed for interception
Conflict and insurrection are all muted to a background hum...

The might of all nations
Applied to the laws of the physical
To push our craft out to the sea of stars...
Out to the sea of stars, oh the sea of stars

Training days are behind us
Falling from gravitation
Committed to this situation, I feel the engines roar...

The observing nations
Applied to the greatest mysteries
As we navigate to the sea of stars...

We fly into the Dark
And sail upon the void
I'm seekin' out my fate
My unknown destination, my destination

And can I truly be, free from the pain
and free from the chains of gravity...
Hey man, I heard your tune that those lyrics are from. Not bad at all... even if the blatant Jorn Lande-isms made me giggle a bit. Did you do all the instrumentation/vocals yourself? If so, DAMN BOY YOU TALENTED.
hey arglebargle,

yeah, the Jorn thing wasn't a concious decision... i just sort of write whatever comes out. I DO enjoy "Burn the Sun" quite a bit.

but one day long after i recorded that tune, i stuck in "Burn the Sun", and when the intro to "Heal the Waters" started, I said, "Oh shit!" lol

oh well, too late now to change it

anyway, yep that's me on everything, so thanks!
I would have replied much much earlier, but for some reason my computer is not letting me post here since the upgrade.

I guess you could say I am a writer. The stuff I do is poetry.

Here is my favorite that I have written

The End of Silence

I wish I were not so unspoken
But silence is my way
And I cannot change who I am
Voicing emotions are difficult
Especially when you care
For I am at a loss for words in your presence
I savor every moment together
I hang on your every word
And I want you to know how much you mean in my life
For you I would do all
Mountains of ice I will climb
Cities of gold I will find
To bring you a gift as precious as you
But what could I give you that you don't already deserve?
I could never forget you
I will never be the same
I could never forget you
Because your smile brings elation to my soul

This is not the original version, not sure which one I like better though.

I borrowed a little bit from a song, can anyone identify it?
i was about to say anton.. you ripped off adagio's promises.. lol!!!

So many good writers here.. I like to write for myself, but not really to show anyone.. only thing I'm willing to submit at this time is a little something I wrote at a time when I was pretty angry with myself over something. it sucks, but i dont care.

~Excrement Of Cynicism~

born on wings of broken dreams,
raised from a seed of empty promises,
She will rise.

A pheonix from the ashes of hopelessness and despair,
poverty and lies, and then,
She will fall.

Not by fate, but by an unseen power,
This abomination that eats from within,
and devours her innocence,
the excrement of cynicism is all that remains.

Her greatest nemesis,
the one who ultimately strives to bring her down,
the dark shadow that follows wherever she goes,
is born from her own blackened heart.
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:lol: amanda!!! @ your anthropological study of internet culture! Your work is always a pleasure to read, and yes I cherish how we complain about the male gender and grovel over our favorite God! Excellent stuff!
I write. But I haven't written anything lately since I've moved back to NY. I write scripts, stories, reviews, political commentary, and ads. I haven't gotten anything published as most of what I write is gritty, in-your-face reality that is deemed too "politically incorrect" for today's budding young "talent".
Charis, I really really like your poem. If anyone wants to waste their time and read more of my you go

The Encounter

In countenance white

The angel’s benevolence shines

Taking me in

She shows me the beauty that is this world

I gaze in wonder

But turn and walk away

I believe it is not mine to deserve

Drowning in self-pity and sorrow

Denying gifts blessed upon me

Opportunities slip through my fingers

Retreat, my only solace

This is not a way to live


Crestfallen is how I feel sometimes

For I have been alone all my life

Counterfeit smiles on hollow shells are not friends

Now I have found someone I want to know and care for

And you say you care as well

So why don’t you let me into your world?

I try to be steadfast

But inside there is a scared little boy

Yearning for someone to confide all secrets

All smiles

All laughs

All tears

Someone to trust

In return, all I can offer is myself

And unending devotion

The End

Eternal darkness descends from the heavens

An ethereal chill fills the air

Visions of a crimson moon emerge

The Earth shudders

Confusion spreads like a plague

Fear abounds

The kings

The rich

The strong

The slaves

The free

All cower

For the great day of his wrath hath come

Who is able to stand?

Fire, hail, and blood fall from the sky

Countless armies of locusts and scorpions torment the wicked

Led by The Lamb

The battle to eradicate evil comes to an end

Cast into the lake of fire for eternity

Sleep is a refuge denied for sinners
SilentRealm said:
:lol: amanda!!! @ your anthropological study of internet culture! Your work is always a pleasure to read, and yes I cherish how we complain about the male gender and grovel over our favorite God! Excellent stuff!

awww thanks Charis!! :grin: And your poem certainly does NOT suck, I thought it was great, very powerful :) I'm really loving reading everybody's poems. Keep up the good work everybody!