Any Writers Among Us?

so many good writers here, its amazing to see the creativity surrounding everyone.

p.s. Anton, I loved you non-adagio lyrics :P..the second batch you posted, those were really nice.
Thanks Charis :)

And SpiritCrusher...I liked your first one a lot and I can really see how that can be a song. Have you thought about turning it into a series of poems to tell one story that way? That is what came into my mind once I read it.
Soul of Ice said:
And SpiritCrusher...I liked your first one a lot and I can really see how that can be a song. Have you thought about turning it into a series of poems to tell one story that way? That is what came into my mind once I read it.

Thanks a lot man. You know, that's a good idea. If I don't do it with this one, maybe I'll do it with another one. Thanks for the tip!
I really liked those lyrics, spirit :rock:

a little update: I still haven't been able to translate your work, Knight. I've had too much work these days.
I like to write...I've always had stuff up top to put down from time to time but I never did and now I want to start doing it...for songs and lyrics guitar teacher and the others who know me at the music school I go to really want me to write things down because they say I write the music so well for having only played for 4 years so that's encouraging :) . I love to voice my opinions on albums, shows etc, but so far nothing semi-professional like a zine reviewer or anything...tried for metalreviews...they offered me a spot, I responded next day and never heard from them again, same for metal observer at one point.