
...and that man is Jason Rullo. Taking out his super sharp drumsticks of death and destruction, he sneaks up to the giant balloon poodle, and pokes it with this drumsticks. Air begins to pour out of the hole, and the poodle deflates. Then...
...Jason actually grows taller in unison to the poodels deflation. "YES" Jason exclaimed. He allways wanted to be taller. "I will cook up some beef for myself tonight (as he is a chef) and mabey tomorrow I'l beat Russ in an arm-wrestle." Jason said exitedly in his italian-blood way. Melvin ran away in terror until everyone froze as they all heard something very stange and stupid music....
...street in New York known as Time Square, to finish off MTV once and for all. However, millions of mallcore kiddies and teenyboppers filled the streets, severly outnumbering our heroes. Gathering their courage, the prog/power army charged forward...
...they survived because in the last moment Michael LePond cast the teleportation spell and they were all moved to the great glass hall above Time Square where MTV spread their evil messages to the unknowing people of America. When Russell (who has now realized he must fight for his people) saw the great blasphemy of the teenie-weenies, he raged forth with his sword and...
Summoned forth The Note!. Rumbling from the lowest regions of his gutteral intestines it started as a bass hum, then swooned to mid-range croon and finally into falsetto scream, he let loose a piercing shriek and pulverised the eardrums of the cronies! Bleeding from mouth and ears, they ran rampantly amok criss cross traffick, oblivious to the oncoming cars around them. Russel stood amongst it all with a gentle smile....
The MTV army was vanquished, and mainstream music could start anew. With Carson and his cult followers now dead, Russell, covered from head to toe in teenybopper blood, approached the stage where only hours before, they were showing the crap that is TRL. Now, the bandmembers of Symphony X gathered, pulled out their instruments, and played...
'The Odyssey' from begining to end, flawlessly, beautifully, as anyone would expect. The prog/power metal army sang along to what was their kingdoms victory song. All TV's were turned to MTV and the wonderful music hit the ears of all watching. Soon the streets of New York were filled with people waving signs saying "Symphony X!!!" on them, just as they used to for the boy bands of the past...
Twilight fell on the Olympus, and revealed the Damnation Game. Ullysses trod forth on his Oddyssy and returnd the triumfant champion of Ithaca on the Divine Wings of Tragedy. Chased the Relic from the Dragon's Lair, haunted by Medusa's Eyes, and under the spell of the Lady of the Snow. Through the Looking Glass he saw the Grand Design of the Incantations of the Apprentice. Wicked, he foiled their plans under an abscense of light, and damned, damned, damned them to a Fool's Paradise. Is this the final setting sun? he asked, or is it all a sea of lies? Fallen, the Haunted became silent. Orion, the hunter looked on and saw all was well again in the church of the machine and thought of having a smoke in mirrors, thinking of sins and shadows. On Redescovery, peace once again fell over the land of the Accolade, in this Candlelight Fantasia.....unless..... :Spin: :grin: :tickled: :Smug: :) :p
The witching hour occured to the pharoah. the church of the machine and Egypt had a Wicked fight on the edge of forever.. then on the death of balance, Egypt falled into the king of terrors abyss and screamed "RISE MY MINIONS!!!!!!" the transcendance from the Accolade and Accolade2 experianced the turning of the Bird serpant war......

...that was the funniest post i have ever read in this forum Cyclopsss!!!!!!!!!:Spin: :grin: :tickled: :Smug: :) :p:Spin: :grin: :tickled: :Smug: :) :p:Spin: :grin: :tickled: :Smug: :) :p:Spin: :grin: :tickled: :Smug: :) :p:Spin: :grin: :tickled: :Smug: :) :p:Spin: :grin: :tickled: :Smug: :) :p