Strange Picking Noise - NEED your Help!

Jun 12, 2012
Hey Guys,

i spent the whole day by trying to get rid of this strange sound when the pick hits the string. i have seen all of this pick noise threads but none of them helped me ... tried different picks but it didnt get better - i tried every single way to hit the string every angle etc. The only thing that lowers that noise is hit the string lighter but its still there and still to loud. I have uploaded a quick example for you with my schecter Hellraiser c7 (707tw) and Amplitube + Guitar Hack tones.

Man i dont know what to do :( ...


PS: at the end i did hit them to hard to show you exactly what i mean....

AND i even tested another guitar with the same result and different strings ... (Pyramid , Earnie Ball and Elixier)
That's what happens if you use thick picks. I don't really know any solution to this besides using a different pick. I don't care too much about the picking noise with distorted guitars as it sometimes also makes it sound a bit more interesting.
That's what happens if you use thick picks. I don't really know any solution to this besides using a different pick. I don't care too much about the picking noise with distorted guitars as it sometimes also makes it sound a bit more interesting.
Thx for your reply

on this recording i used a 1.5mm pick ... i used a 1mm pick to but it made (almost no different) what would you recommend ?

i hate that sound ... sounds like someone is clean windows ^^ ( by that kind of "riff" ... )
Lets start at the source.. I guess your plectrum thickness is alright.. what material is the plectrum made of (I hope its not one of those stone or metal picks).. What angle are you hitting the strings at (Try to keep your pick action as straight as possible when recording).. I guess this should do most of the work towards removing the picking noise.. Lastly you could hunt for the annoying frequency by sweeping using an EQ and fine cut that particular frequency.. Hope this helps..
Picks always make that noise, and you just mentally tune it out at some point. Like blinking, you don't notice unless you start noticing then it drives you nuts. Otherwise you can just use a softer pick material, thinner pick, and strike the string horizontal/parallel instead of angled. Quietest pick I have is the red Dunlop Jazz III. You'll get less attack, though. Another thing to try is lowering the pickup height; too high = too much compression = too much pick/attack noise.
You could also just edit out each pick noise. Should only be a couple thousand fade files. :lol:
The picking noise or chirping might not only have to do with the thickness of the pick but also with the material. Just try out a few to see what factors makes the difference.
when you pick, are you picking at an angle to the string? Sounds like a rake type tone to me. Ive also had this with some distortions in the past.

id be interested in hearing what it sounds like with drums and bass in the mix. It may well mask it

i pick 90degree parallel ... yeah i think nobody will hear it without knowing it that there is something like that in the mix but i hear it loud and clear :/ ... and i cant life with that now ...

tomorrow the postman will bring me various picks (thinner ones and other materials) maybe than i can get rid of it. For other riffs i can use thicker pics .... its just here so flashy because of the straight riff withe the reapeating noise .. rythmic stuff is no problem ... recorded the whole song and it sounds good ... than i came to a part with such a riff and... yeah you know .... :)
don't worry about that, neptunian is right. In every song you can hear the pick only when you're thinking about it.

The ultimate solution would be this : tortoise guitar picks

but i understand there some laws that make them nearly impossible to import or export.
What do you mean with thinner pick? how thin?

The red Jazz III that i found was also 1.38mm ....

The red Jazz III isn't thin, it just has a softer plastic that doesn't chirp or scratch as much as others I've tried. And as I mentioned, definitely try lowering the pickup height to see if that makes any difference.
don't worry about that, neptunian is right. In every song you can hear the pick only when you're thinking about it.

The ultimate solution would be this : tortoise guitar picks

but i understand there some laws that make them nearly impossible to import or export.

what make tortoise pick so special? Im from Germany and here i have no problem ordering it.
As soon as I heard the clip I knew you where using emg 707s, even before you mentioned it. You guys are completely in left field, its not a pick issue , its the typical 707 clicky noise. Worse pickup for direct recording!
As soon as I heard the clip I knew you where using emg 707s, even before you mentioned it. You guys are completely in left field, its not a pick issue , its the typical 707 clicky noise. Worse pickup for direct recording!

hm but its the same with the 817 ... ? Why is it worse for direct in? whats the different for this aspect?
then - what pickup would you recommend for this issue ... ?