Strange problem recording DI..


Nov 27, 2005
Hi! I'm supposed to track a bands DI tracks tomorrow for reamping. I got myself a cool Redeye to do the trick ;)
The problem is:
I monitor with my POD, but the DI sound also kicks in pretty loud. How do I silence the DI track and still get it on tape? Using Firepod and Cubase.
Well if the signal path is Guitar --> Redeye, and then the "thru" output to the Pod and the XLR output into your firepod (which would be the best way to do it), just turn off input monitoring in Cubase (the little speaker logo on the track next to the record enable button)
Make sure the "Mix" knob on the Firepod is turned all the way to the right... If that's all the way right and input monitoring is turned off in Cubase, there's no reason at all that you should be hearing the DI track...Doesn't make any sense.