Strangest/Scariest Thing Ever Happened Too You

*bump* Back in September when I first moved into my apartment, one of my campus stalkers showed up at my door, ringing the doorbell. He said something like "Hey Shan I was just in the area... mind if I come in an hang out til my next class?"

"I'm sick. Bye."

I'd only been there a week or so and hadn't told anyone where I live.... fucking real life lurkers...
My friend made me hold one of her lizards (she has 2 thorny devils) a few weeks ago.... I was so scared i couldnt move. Iv'e had this massive fear of lizards since a goanna tried to eat my garfield toy when i was 7, and then a blue-tongue, which was freakin huge, hissed at me.
I'm sure I've replied to this thread before and I am curious as to what I posted.

Anyway, both the scariest experiences I can recall at the top of my head involve people lunging at me, trying to kick my ass. One of them was my mom, who was holding a rock the size of my head and aiming, well... at my head, and a pissed client at work who was pissed because we had kicked him out. During this incident one other client had to step in between and stopping this ginormous man to hit me in the face.

Oh, one more! This is recent and dumb. I got really stoned a few months ago with a friend and had a really bad trip. So, as I was being totally paranoid and freaked out, she left me alone with these strangers and disappeared with her boyfriend. I was freaking the fuck out. I was so stoned I couldn't even speak. It was horrible.
when i was 14, and i still lived in the city, there was a huge blackout in canada and america. it lasted 4 days. well, me and my sister were both into drugs at this point, my sister is 8 years older than i am. her boyfriend worked at the gas station that was a few blocks from my house, so, we decided to go see him so we could smoke a joint with him. we were pretty high on the walk back home, and we turn onto our street and there were these 4 guys standing at the corner, and then one of them was like, "hey girls! its my friends birthday!" and then we started walking fast. my sister looked behind us and then they started chasing us, my sister was like, "TAMMY!! FUCKING RUN NOW!!!" lol. so, we're booking it down the street with our sandals in our hands getting ready to beat someone haha. we made it home, and told my mom and of course, my mom thought it was funny. thats not the scariest thing, but, it was pretty scary for me.

hahaha :D

was proposed to at age 13 by a crazy African at a car wash who then tried to destroy my dad's car after I turned him down

fucking lol!


It's hard to understand mentalitys that are as extreme as this..sorry to hear about your closeness to it..
The guy was likely a total loser with little/no close friends. He probably had it in for others in general who seemed to have a happy social life or he might have experienced some form of bullying by his peers at some point in his life and held the grudge.
He could have been depressed and wanted to take his own life and might have thought that he,who probably felt irrelevant and insignificant to everyone elses lives around him could leave an undisolvable mark on these peoples lives and that of the community by doing this.
He would have his name recorded in history. He identified prolly with the other school shooters,felt the same deprivation and alienation that they experienced towards the rest of humanity,regarded them as martyrs and felt the ultimate revenge and justification of the sorrow and self pity he felt would be to have others suffer for it too. He might have admired the control Hitler,one man, had over the lives of others..

I dunno,Im not trying to justify it,I'm just interested into what motivates these people..sorry again to hear about your connection with it. :)
a cat jumped on my face today...

it's times like these i thank the people that invented make-up... so it doesn't look like a shark bit my face off
one strange thinhg was when my class messed up the whole sschool and the headmaster called the police and they :lol:'d at him becuz the headmaster told us to clean the school in b4 and then he showed the policemen like "Here was a huge mess" and all that was there was the blank floor...:lol:
I had my tarot cards read by this girl i like, and so far... she's been right on a few things. stuff about work, and money (rates just dropped so I'm refinancing my house, which would get me a lower payment AND pay off any other debt i have, which is none), which is awesome.
yesterday I saw this one guy staring at me as I walked out of my house. I looked away, but as soon as I looked up again, he was gone.
Isn't it out of place, but strangely good?? This is coming from someone who's not a fan of BD

It really is! I hate the rest of the song, but the chorus is just so damn cool. To me the best way to describe it is that the first half starts off really creepy, and then the second half seems to be filled with hope and a new light. The switch from the major 7th to the minor 7th is simply pleasing to my ears :goggly:

I'm also not really a fan of BD. Only song that I thoroughly enjoy is Roadkill Morning. And Hellhounds is decent IMO.