Strangest/Scariest Thing Ever Happened Too You

Amen to that. This is the second idiot whom I've dealt with the the past 2 months claiming to have multiple personality. The first one had 5 hahah. I finally got him to fuck off by figuring out to offend every last one with some wicked insults. It was kinda hard cause everything I came up with he could use another personality to handle it.

It's a load of bull no doubt. This recent moron, after I spent from 5:30am til 9am doing police reports and university public safety stuff, was woken up by the cops in his room and he "had no clue about what happened". I remember being told that he said I'd gone to bed once he said he was gonna do the same, that nothing went down.

I'm supposed to be the crazy one, not the damn psych majors and genetically neurologically sound people. :lol:
Holy shit sextuplet post :D
I dont know why drinking makes you hear voices...and I don't see whats so scary about, laughing, at someone. :S.

Scariest moment, I was canoeing (lolcanada) with my dad and brother, and we stopped on some island for lunch. It was just a large mound shape, all rock...and on the other side of the mound, a goddamn bear.

Did the bear swim to get to the island? :goggly:
You know whats one of the worst feelings ever?

Going through the woods at 2 am in the morning in pitch dark not knowing you'r way around while you'r drunk. I litterly pissed myself. :(

Yea, I don't know anymore but like 7 years ago it scared the shit outta me going into this vast forest at night. It's where I lived my childhood. I can't imagine that I'd be scared anymore to do that because I've lotsa crazy stuff. It's just the bears I guess, and that some fucking nazi might jump out of a bush and assrape you or something. Uu, I'd like that tho..
Yeah u never know when a nazi in finland jumps out of a bush and assrapes you till your anal is cracking :D Nah its pretty scare thoguht tho? That a bear comes and chases you in a fucken forest :lol:
Yesterday, I thought I heard someone following me home, so I turned around and saw him. He was thisclose to me. I ran faster towards my house, turned around, and he was gone.
when i was 14, and i still lived in the city, there was a huge blackout in canada and america. it lasted 4 days. well, me and my sister were both into drugs at this point, my sister is 8 years older than i am. her boyfriend worked at the gas station that was a few blocks from my house, so, we decided to go see him so we could smoke a joint with him. we were pretty high on the walk back home, and we turn onto our street and there were these 4 guys standing at the corner, and then one of them was like, "hey girls! its my friends birthday!" and then we started walking fast. my sister looked behind us and then they started chasing us, my sister was like, "TAMMY!! FUCKING RUN NOW!!!" lol. so, we're booking it down the street with our sandals in our hands getting ready to beat someone haha. we made it home, and told my mom and of course, my mom thought it was funny. thats not the scariest thing, but, it was pretty scary for me.
I was proposed to at age 13 by a crazy African at a car wash who then tried to destroy my dad's car after I turned him down
I'm pretty sure the fact that you're finnish has nothing to do with the way your posts are always like

"Hi :D"

"Im sad :D"

"My dog died today :D"

"awesome :D"

I'm pretty sure the fact that you're finnish has nothing to do with the way your posts are always like

"Hi :D"

"Im sad :D"

"My dog died today :D"

"awesome :D"


HAHAHAHHAHAHHAHAA:lol: Goddamn you made me die 5 times:lol: Well i have only said 1 of actually 2...the last ones that is :lol: :cool: My Posts tend to be long or then they are jokes that no one laughs to:erk: so not rly :D
P.S my dog is pretty fuckin horny right now so i doubt hes dead:erk: Goddamn tree wanker!