Strangest/Scariest Thing Ever Happened Too You

You know whats one of the worst feelings ever?

Going through the woods at 2 am in the morning in pitch dark not knowing you'r way around while you'r drunk. I litterly pissed myself. :(
Damn you guys are really aggressive...

My scariest experience was when I was on vacation I was 16 or something, and I had met a girl from our province there as well.. And we had this sleepover party in my tent.. She decided to start summoning spirits with a pendulum.. Outside it was around 30degrees celsius.. but inside my tent I had on a sweatshirt and I crawled deep into my sleepingbag.. I could see my own breath there.. That was just scary..
She also had some crystal around her neck, and when she took it off her eyes immediately switched coulour.. from green to blue.. and then some weird veil seemed to go over her eyes.. A gypsy had once said to her that she was really vulnerable to spirits.. that she stood open for it or something.. and that crystal was supposed to protect her from spirits posessing her.. Really weird..

And I also once really had a scary experience, when I was with a friend of mine. We'd talked over MSN a lot and we liked each other and we decided to meet.. And a collegue of mine also talked to him on MSN and she was like, well lets have a nice weekend with the 3 of us..
Well that really turned out the wrong way.. I got totally hammered for the first time in my life, because I didn't want to see them make out all the time..
So I felt completely horrible the next day.. But that evening we had an arguement the three of us.. and this guy was really unstable.. and he used to cut himself in the arms and all.. And he grabbed a razor again and he sat down near me and tried to cut again.. I just shot at the razor trying to grab it from him..
I'll never forget that..

And all he could say later on (when we were dating.. *BIG MISTAKE*) was that because of me he had almost cut his face.. Loser...
Dumbest thing ive done is when i went to this dude who does piercings and tatoos, he isn't really that qualified and i got my lip pierced. felt like fainting after that. soon it was fine, then i realized i didn't want it no more as it was small and i couldn't remove it so it was kind of stuck.
I then went to a surgeon who removed it for me fuckin painful and a waste of cash

yeah it isn't really scary just plain stupid
STRANGEST thing is happening right now: I work at a shelter for homeless people and we have this (homeless) client who's probably the most good looking guy I have EVER seen in my life. He's breath taking... like, he could be a movie star. And he's one of the few clients in there that are not crazy. And he's young.

And it's just awkward, because I play cards with him all the time and I'm afraid my bosses are going to think I am flirting with him or something. Damnit. We shouldn't allow good looking people in there.

I know no one cares, but I got a SEVERE warning at work because of this guy. He doesn't stay at our shelter anymore and.. damn, whatever, it snowballed into this huge deal; I almost got my ass fired for no real reason and that was scary as hell:(
Fuck, no!

I probably would have if he hadn't been a shelter client, though! :lol:

No, seriously, I was really interested in that guy in a professional way and things got mixed up in his mind. He called my job and asked to speak with me, but I actually answered the phone... and he's like "Hey, this is XX! I'm in Alaska! Can you give me your cell number so I don't have to call there again?" And I of course answered "No, sorry". And that was the friggin' problem, I guess! I didn't set good enough boundaries he thought he was actually my friend or something...
I was in a music class with this cool but short tempered teacher, I kept forgetting my instrument and one day she snapped and sent me to the principal. I was pretty freaked out because it was my first time.
when i was 5 feet from dani filth.

Don't touch me anymore

Aww man, Touching you was my futur career plan.

:lol: :lol: :lol:

You know whats one of the worst feelings ever?

Going through the woods at 2 am in the morning in pitch dark not knowing you'r way around while you'r drunk. I litterly pissed myself. :(

dude, that is the most awesome thing that can happen
a few weeks ago somebody who i've known for almost two years decided to show me his "other" personality, whose name is Ben. he didn't like the advice i was giving Garret, the real person... so he decided to attack me and be psycho. if i were a tiny girl i'd be raped or dead. :D needless to say, restraining order, kicked out of my building, etc. oh, and my grades are suffering as result of my freaking out every time i see him on the street. thank the sweet gods i can have my ass covered by the university throwing some "fuck you help her out" documents to my professors.

that is now in my top 3 scariest experiences ever.
a few weeks ago somebody who i've known for almost two years decided to show me his "other" personality, whose name is Ben. he didn't like the advice i was giving Garret, the real person... so he decided to attack me and be psycho. if i were a tiny girl i'd be raped or dead.

:lol: Multiple Personality Disorder is a crock of shit, and most patients who claim to have this condition often have been sexually abused at some point during their life. I've taken law 2 years and Intro to Anthro,Psych and Soc + Psych Year 2, and yeh all case studies and evidence points to the fact this condition doesn't exist, at least in the way it's defined now. The people ARE aware of their actions when in their 'other' form and they know their 'other' personalities are there, they're not oblivious like they pretend. They do know what they're doing/what they've done, they don't just 'black out' and forget.

They haven't proved it exists (or doesnt exist in fact) but most relevant theories and evidence points to the fact this condition isn't real as it is known now, and is often used as a scapegoat in criminal cases in American law. :lol:

Another interesting note is Canada doesn't have an 'insanity' plea. We only have automatism and non-insane automatism.
:lol: Multiple Personality Disorder is a crock of shit, and most patients who claim to have this condition often have been sexually abused at some point during their life. The people ARE aware of their actions when in their 'other' form and they know their 'other' personalities are there, they're not oblivious like they pretend. They do know what they're doing/what they've done, they don't just 'black out' and forget.
Amen to that. This is the second idiot whom I've dealt with the the past 2 months claiming to have multiple personality. The first one had 5 hahah. I finally got him to fuck off by figuring out to offend every last one with some wicked insults. It was kinda hard cause everything I came up with he could use another personality to handle it.

It's a load of bull no doubt. This recent moron, after I spent from 5:30am til 9am doing police reports and university public safety stuff, was woken up by the cops in his room and he "had no clue about what happened". I remember being told that he said I'd gone to bed once he said he was gonna do the same, that nothing went down.

I'm supposed to be the crazy one, not the damn psych majors and genetically neurologically sound people. :lol: