Strangest/Scariest Thing Ever Happened Too You

at a GWAR show, the audience was doing that retarded "lets cram together as tight as possible and randomly push the crowd in different directions" thing and about 20 people fell on top of me. I thought I was pretty much done for.
Söy;6197983 said:
i got shot at;

i grew up in da hood yo

I didn't grow up in the hood, but not far from my house me and my friends were at a 7/11 at about 1am, and as we were leacing we hear these two people getting into a fight, so we deicde to just keep going and not look back. Watched the news next day, and apparently the arguement turned into a fatal stabbing :erk:. We didnt see anything really, but it was still kind of freaky.

And I just remeber somthing that happend quiet recently. :p

About 3am one night (Sometime in January), I was taking a cab home from a freinds house. The cab happend to be a van, and we were driving on the far right lane on a 5 lane road, and just as we got to an intersection some guy right next to us tries to make a right turn and slams into us running us off the road. We flew between a traffic Light pole and a telephone pole, then stopped. The cabbie looks over and goes "Oh he taking off!" and starts chasing the guy down.

The guy tries turning into some side streets to get away, and my cabbie calls the cops on his cellphone while catching up. While on the phone with the police, he catches up and rams the back of the otehr car about 3 times. WE turned the corner again abck towards the main road, and the cabbie pulls up beside the other car. The other car slams into the side of us again, this time nearly rolling the van.

We stopped chasing afte that, since he already called in the car model and license plate. I had to stay with the cab for about an hour before the cops showed up, which they never did...Normally I probably would have shit myself, but I was still very very drunk, and ended up getting a free cab ride home. So it was pretty wicked.

P.S. Yes this actually happend Joe, its a real story. :Smug:
2 weeks ago, I was walking home at about 2 am, and there are no street lights where I live, so I was going by moon light. Some scary shitter was following me for two miles trailing me by 3 feet. I immediately turned the nearest corner and found myself starring at a dead end. The guy stopped about 5 feet away from me against the dead end. I panicked and charged into the guy, knocking him over, then ran until I got home.
When I was 5 years old, me and a friend did some weird things..One was to experiment how we feel in a fridge.. He got in it first and after 3 seconds, he knocked the door because he couldn't get out :lol: I was curious so I went in the fridge too..omg I was dying in it.. I couldn't breathe and it was dark and cold..So with all my energy, I knocked the door..and fortunately, he opened the door..I will remember that all my life.
I was at the mall one time and some guy started following me so i hid in the back of Clair's and after a while i was safe.
Hmm...well I almost went out with a smelly Jamaican dude (of course nothing against Jamaican people, they're cool, this guy just needed a shower) out of pity. Thank God I refused. He turned emo for a few weeks and hates me now but I'm glad I didn't :lol: I know its mean but he thought he owned me even though we weren't going out and just got annoying. That was pretty freaky:erk:
hm...let's see, one time I got locked in my closet while playing hide and seek in my house, then when I was walking around South Philly at around 3 AM(with some friends) this truck starting following us, and whenever we turned back to look, it stopped, then we would start walking again, and it would start following us again. Then we just stopped, and it slowly drove up to us and past us.
I got cut off by an old lady on a HD motorcycle today. i pulled into my driveway and she pulled over to appologize. she was easily 70 years old
I got cut off by an old lady on a HD motorcycle today. i pulled into my driveway and she pulled over to appologize. she was easily 70 years old
