Strap it on Lyrics


Mar 9, 2002
I didnt like the sound of this song b4 i actually heard it, but now i have i totally kills.....(if that makes sense)


And my plate is full
And i feel the pull
And my time is spent
Searching for something that came and went

Take me back
Take me back to a golden time
From '75 to '79
And it makes it easy, so easy for me

Strap it on
Stap it on my old school
I change by staying the same ( i seem to remember this line)

And it grows inside
And my brain goes crazy
Sepia toned days are hazy

Take me back
Take me back to the heavy time
From '85 to '89
It makes it easy so easy for me.
yeah i managed to find a copy today- virgin had it but still none at HMV.
well i think this song is one of the weakest on the album (or am i getting confused with cadillac cock box?).
but you never know these things take time to grow on you...
Originally posted by The Man

what's with bush and ian using strange ass words on this record? did they get dictionaries for christmas last year and read them to get inspiration for lyrics?

Every good Catholic should know the word "genuflect." Maybe Charlie gave them that one.
"Jingoistic" has become popular since 9/11.
Perhaps they've been reading Bill Buckley's word of the day.
Next time I would suggest they sign up for's Word of the Day.

Oh, and "atrophy" is a good big word too.
Originally posted by jdelpi
Every good Catholic should know the word "genuflect." Maybe Charlie gave them that one.
"Jingoistic" has become popular since 9/11.
Perhaps they've been reading Bill Buckley's word of the day.
Next time I would suggest they sign up for's Word of the Day.

Oh, and "atrophy" is a good big word too.
ok, mr. religious scholar. what does genuflect mean then? and where has jingoistic become popular since 9/11?