Here are my thoughts on the Stratovarius matter, so forgive me if I sound angry, but here goes:
This is pathetic. And terrible.
To say that you don't want anyone to be a fan unless they are spending money?
Any band that starts caring more about money than their fans or music are goddamn sellouts, plain and simple.
That's right, S-E-L-L-O-U-T-S.
This is Metallica all over again.
Copyrights are to protect an artist's music from being stolen by OTHER ARTISTS and low-down Record Pirates. NOT from fans that love you and your music, and want to see if it's good enough to purchase.
I think alot of people have gotten greedy, selfish, arrogant, and "BIGHEADED" in the music industry.
I would LOVE it if someone loved my music enough to download MY music or album, because they may actually want to BUY it later.
Because I am a musician and that's why I play music. Because I love it and I love entertainng people and making them happy.
That's why we (musicians) got into playing, and it seems alot of people have lost sight of that. I was a fan of Stratovarius and was thinking of buying their new album, but if money is all they care about, I won't bother.I'm sorry if I have upset anyone but this is how I feel. Period.
What a tragedy that Stratovarius has become more concerned with money than making their fans happy, the ones who spend moneyon T-SHIRTS, POSTERS, and so on.

This is pathetic. And terrible.
To say that you don't want anyone to be a fan unless they are spending money?
Any band that starts caring more about money than their fans or music are goddamn sellouts, plain and simple.
That's right, S-E-L-L-O-U-T-S.
This is Metallica all over again.
Copyrights are to protect an artist's music from being stolen by OTHER ARTISTS and low-down Record Pirates. NOT from fans that love you and your music, and want to see if it's good enough to purchase.
I think alot of people have gotten greedy, selfish, arrogant, and "BIGHEADED" in the music industry.
I would LOVE it if someone loved my music enough to download MY music or album, because they may actually want to BUY it later.
Because I am a musician and that's why I play music. Because I love it and I love entertainng people and making them happy.
That's why we (musicians) got into playing, and it seems alot of people have lost sight of that. I was a fan of Stratovarius and was thinking of buying their new album, but if money is all they care about, I won't bother.I'm sorry if I have upset anyone but this is how I feel. Period.
What a tragedy that Stratovarius has become more concerned with money than making their fans happy, the ones who spend moneyon T-SHIRTS, POSTERS, and so on.