Strats for rhythm tracks


May 16, 2005
Reading, Berkshire
Can anyone gimme some examples of metal albums where single coil strats were used for the rhythm tracks?
I've heard that a lot of Fredrik Nordstrom stuff was done with strats (as well as seeing pictures of bands tracking with them in the studio) but never been able to find out if stacked humbuckers were used

I know I've heard Pete Whichers used a strat for solos here n there

For some reason I think that "alive or just breathing" by Killswitch was a strat. I'm not sure at all though. It's probably just a suspicion backed up by a kind of wierd tone.
Yeh I suspect AOJB being a strat but have never found out. I really wana know what the pickup was. If it was a stacked humbucker then it's not really the same.

That recording on daves site is awesome!

I was watching my old 'Drilling The Vein' video the other day and seeing the Obituary 'Don't Care' video made me want a strat so bad. Love that band

But yeh, obvs ESP wouldn't be happy about that so i'm looking at the Vintage Plus 2 tone burst

I keep thinking stigmata or burning bridges by arch enemy is a strat.
Also on the Dimmu dvd galder is playing a strat for tracking 'Puritanicle...' but you only see him doing an overdub part

Obvs i'm after more modern or just really HEAVY heavy metal examples as opposed to Malmstein etc
Yeh I know Malmstein and Maidens albums are pretty much all strat, you may have missed one of my posts hehe.
I'm mainly after some examples of some modern metal stuff like the nordstrom albums i mentioned.

Basically I'm digging the single coil sound at the moment and was just looking for reasurance that metal bands do still use em. But it's all in the 'ear of the beholder' i guess.
I think my minds made up on this now, it's defo good to have some variety in a guitar collection plus they sound awesome for lead/clean tones.

The ESP vintage plus seem to play better than any strat I've tried anyways. Whack a floyd rose in it and I'm sorted.

Anyone know what guitar/pickup was used on Forbiddens 'Twist Into Form'?
I did a punk record last year & the guitarist had a Tele with a Seymour Hot Rail pickup. ....and wouldn't you know it, it just sounded fucking unholy. Unfortunately, it was punk, so I had to back it off quite a bit. But goddamn, that guitar amazing!

Not exactly a strat, but you get the idea.

I will soon be the owner of a pink Hello Kitty Strat O' Doom, I'll hide a single coil in there and track some grind with it before putting in whatever I wind up with.

I have a Tele with a SD hot rail in the bridge.....didn't like the stock single coil at all, but love the Duncan dropped in there. Just got a heavier bridge for it to but have yet to install it. That puppy should chime.
teles rule.
i got a tele with a hotrail in it. man that pickup was crafted by satan himself
Yeah, Andreas uses one - not sure if he still uses single coils, but he used to.

Whether it's what they used or not I don't know, but the video for Killswitch's "My Last Serenade" has one of them playing a Strat - but I've got no idea what the p'ups are.

Unsane use a Tele, and I love the twang they have to their sound.

And I'm pretty sure the new Deftones stuff has at least some single coil stuff on it - when I saw them live a few weeks ago, Chino used a Jaguar for all the new stuff, and Stephen was switching between a Tele, a Strat and his ESPs.
