The bi-annual 'Sweet Vengeance' guitar worship thread


Apr 5, 2002
Melbourne, Australia
Seriously, how many of you have heard Nightrage's debut album 'Sweet Vengeance'? This release is the closest Nordstrom ever came to recreating the glory of 'Clayman's production.

The rhythm guitars are some of the most awesome things I've ever heard. I've not heard any metal releases where the guitars impress me as much as this. They give the midrange this dense edge which is absolutely amazing. I hear it's likely that the amps used were the 5150 slaved to the ENGL Savage's power section, but it seems that we may never know for sure.

Anyone out there with similar thoughts? If you haven't heard this album - get it now!
Yeah, i picked this up ages ago. Seriously one of my favourite albums of all time. The melodies are beyond awesome :worship: Too bad that theier further releases arent that great as sweet vengence is.
+1. marios is one of the very few greeks serious about metal (and obviously had to leave greece to be able do anything about it :p )
Yeah awesome album. It pumps a bit just like Clayman (especially on the doublebass parts) and the bass is huge again. Somewhat I think the guitars have more space in the mix here though, they do not sound as compressed as on Clayman and are very, very sweet. Also I think the vocals sit better here than on Clayman.
yeah great tone for sure. nearly all the riffs are "TONE RIFFS" as i call them.

killer record, love the vox but could do without the evergrey vox. dont feel like they fit they arrangements. seem a little out of left field and not quite vibing with the rest of the record. the vox but could do without the evergrey vox. dont feel like they fit they arrangements. seem a little out of left field and not quite vibing with the rest of the record.

Thats the Evergrey dude? I always wondered who the hell that was but was too lazy to find the case and look at the credits. I remember the first time I heard that dude come in I was like "What the fuck is this!?". It sounded like Michael Bolton or some shit. Funny note, I was checking out Evergrey yesterday to see if I could get into them (nope) and I remember thinking, "Damn this guy sounds like the Michael Bolton dude on that Nightrage album" haha.

But yea, awesome production. I think a good adjective for the guitar tone would be Gnarly. With a capital G. In a good way.
Thats the Evergrey dude? I always wondered who the hell that was but was too lazy to find the case and look at the credits. I remember the first time I heard that dude come in I was like "What the fuck is this!?". It sounded like Michael Bolton or some shit. Funny note, I was checking out Evergrey yesterday to see if I could get into them (nope) and I remember thinking, "Damn this guy sounds like the Michael Bolton dude on that Nightrage album" haha.

Hahahahahahahahahahhahhahaha, I've had similar experiences (mostly with guitar players when they solo, for example Lori Linstruth, the whammy bar RAPER) - check out "In Search of Truth" by Evergrey though dude, it's one of my top 20 all-time favorite albums (yes I listed them out, I found it very enlightening :)) and Tom Englund is an...acquired taste (put it this way, I like him WAY WAY WAY WAY WAY more than Warrel motherfucking Dane :ill: )
I'll have to check that shit out today. I have $15 credit on my itunes account and need to find something to buy. It's amazing how hard it can be to pick a new CD when you're actually looking, as opposed to stumbling accross something.

Warrel Dane! The incredibly weak link in an otherwise amazing band! I don't know how many times I've tried to get into Nevermore, but Warrel Dane keeps blocking me like some sweaty shirtless dude in a basketball game when I'm trying to make a shot.
(put it this way, I like him WAY WAY WAY WAY WAY more than Warrel motherfucking Dane :ill: )

Warrel Dane! The incredibly weak link in an otherwise amazing band! I don't know how many times I've tried to get into Nevermore, but Warrel Dane keeps blocking me like some sweaty shirtless dude in a basketball game when I'm trying to make a shot.

Blasphemy! ;)

Warrel makes or breaks Nevermore... I'm serious!

As much as I love the whole Nevermore package, WD puts the magic in there. IMHO, of course...
Well you're certainly not alone in your opinion slash, many seem to like him - but even though I finally really got into Nevermore this past summer, I still only tolerate Dane, and occasionally dig what he does; I'm just really not a fan of his singing style.

And on topic, I'm checking it out now Ermin - pretty cool; the 5150 smoothness doesn't really make me go bonkers, but it works here, and I'd say is as good an example of it as any I've heard. Music is pretty cool, though, thanks for the rec!
To give you an idea of the aggressive tone I like, Decapitated's "The Negation" is one of my all-time faves
Ah yeah, I get ya.

I'm not a big fan of The Negation tone. Suppose I'll just leave it there in this thread.

Glad you checked the album out and it kind of worked for you! It took it about 5 years to grow on me.
Speaking of sweet guitar tone, and Nevermore, I have to say that the tone on Dead Heart in a Dead World is Absofuckinglutely perfect to me. Gawd Damn. I just downloaded The River Dragon Has Come from itunes and my ears are in crunchy aural ecstacy. Kinda makes up for Dane. I might have to get this whole album. I've been using Narcosynthesis as a "target tone" reference for years.
Had to bump this.

Dusted the album off the other day and been rediscovering my love for the production. Just when I think the years have moved on and we've 'advanced' with our techniques, I go back to this one and realize it still dwarfs most of my current faves.

dat tone. Seriously, YT does it no justice whatsoever.
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