Studio pictures

i cannot either! what's wrong? some kind of 'error' appears when i click on the link...
Torture I tell you!:cry:
Hey Everyone - Sorry about the bad link.... but the reason it's not working is that was a private gallery only meant for the band to see so they could approve the shots. When a certain *cough* singer *cough* decided to share the private link, Yahoo automatically crashed the link since it was getting so many hits from unauthorized viewers.

Just cause i'm feeling nice I've posted a few(7) of the shots on Launch and you can see them here:


MetalSteph said:
Hey Everyone - Sorry about the bad link.... but the reason it's not working is that was a private gallery only meant for the band to see so they could approve the shots. When a certain *cough* singer *cough* decided to share the private link, Yahoo automatically crashed the link since it was getting so many hits from unauthorized viewers.

Just cause i'm feeling nice I've posted a few(7) of the shots on Launch and you can see them here:

error message on yours too :(