Stupid people!!


Swollen Member
Apr 23, 2004
My house got broke into tonight, i pissed but happy, they didn't get my xbox or either of the 2 ps2 in the house nothing in the band room is missing some expensive crap in there pearl master custom drums with main micing system full top of the line jbl P.A guitar amps etc etc atleast 15,000 worth of equipment. didnt touch my computer, big screen nothing they went through my room destroyed it looked like something in a movie were there trying to find something and took about 60 dvd's and some clothes, seriously they just made a big mess mostly didnt go for anything good so im mad my house got broke in but happy they didnt get that much stuff....
Oh and FUCK THE POLICE, they wouldnt finger print nothing says theres not much they can do... :hotjump:
Wow, that sucks. But, you're right, at least they didn't take any of the good stuff. Do you have insurance? If so, you could get those DVDs replaced. My friend had a CD wallet with >100 CD's swiped from his house and his insurance cut him a check for all of them. That was a fun day at Best Buy.
That blows, i had break in years ago....It was horrible that some crack head had been in my home but it was fun being "inventive" with the insurance claim. Hence my Gibson SG!
That sucks, dude! And the police don't care. I know how that goes.
Someone came into my mom's house while she was sleeping!!
They stole her billfold, cell phone, car keys and her car!

Criminals SUCK! People who break into houses, or even cars, should all be executed.

btw- Monday night, someone robbed the bank that's in my store.
ThraxDude said:
That sucks, dude! And the police don't care. I know how that goes.
Someone came into my mom's house while she was sleeping!!
They stole her billfold, cell phone, car keys and her car!

Criminals SUCK! People who break into houses, or even cars, should all be execued

Right on brother. Low lifes. For someone to TAKE what another has EARNED is bullshit. I work 60 hours a week for the things I have for someone to take it is crap. I had some kids down the street come in my house took a bunch of cds and other shit nothing major but it sucked that strangers were in my house rooting through my dressers and such taking what they wanted.
Cincy Vigilante said:
Right on brother. Low lifes. For someone to TAKE what another has EARNED is bullshit. I work 60 hours a week for the things I have for someone to take it is crap. I had some kids down the street come in my house took a bunch of cds and other shit nothing major but it sucked that strangers were in my house rooting through my dressers and such taking what they wanted.

But enough about the IRS!
ok now im mad i was ok before but im a big music collector mostly anthrax, THEY STOLE MY ANTHRAX CD CASE!!!! had all my anthrax cd's in it from singles, imports, and rares like Fistful Of Anthrax to GOTE. damn that pisses me off i've been collecting those awhile they could of grabbed any of the other case but that one SHIT SHIT SHIT! :hotjump: