Stupid question:


Nov 19, 2001
How do you actually pronounce Opeth? This may sound like a stupid question, but there's alot of different languages and accents aroud here and I'm just wondering if I've been pronouncing it wrong the whole time. I've never actually heard it spoken out loud by someone who would know for sure.

I pronounce it: "Oh-peth" 'peth' like 'meth'.
I'm glad I have it right, I'd have felt stupid if I had it wrong the whole time.

HAHAHA!!!!!!!! NOW WHAT, E V I L???
Originally posted by SentencedToBurn
shes everything you want, shes everything you need....... why am i singing that gay song.... ill stop now :cry:

:lol: :lol: Funny, I was about to post this same exact thing before I saw your post....(but with more words ;) )
I like Vertical Horizon. It's not brilliant music or anything. But it's cool. I hate that Everything You Want song, though.